Proposal Development Tools

Proposal development tools include general guidance, templates/outlines for proposals, RDS webinar slides and handouts, RDS recorded webinars, and other resources. Some files are for internal UA use only and require a UA NetID to login to Box to view or download. Have questions or have a resource to share? Please contact RDS.

RDS Resources

Title Resource Type Related Funding Entity Description
Writing a Strong First Page General Guidance Presented by Prof. Nathan Cherrington, Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies - College of Pharmacy; Prof. Bryan Heidorn, Director, School of Information; and Research Development Services team members. A first page that is detailed yet concise, passionate yet professional, conclusive yet stage-setting serves as an introduction to everything that follows in the proposal. “Writing a Strong First Page” will provide researchers with tips and ideas for capturing reviewer’s attention from the very start of a research proposal and will include agency-specific advice.
2023 NSF CAREER Self-Study Online Course Proposal Guidance This online course provides a comprehensive and detailed discussion of the NSF CAREER program and how to write a winning proposal, stepping through the process from developing an idea to interpreting reviews. The course includes videos, downloadable slides and resources:
The NSF CAREER Program: The Basics
Planning your research component
Identifying your NSF program and talking to your PO
Planning your education component
Final planning steps and writing your proposal, step by step
Understanding and responding to reviews
Academic Research & Funding Strategies, LLC. Research Development & Grant Writing News 2024 A monthly newsletter published by Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC
Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC Research Development and Grantwriting News - 2021 Newsletters Proposal Guidance

Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC Research Development and Grantwriting News - 2021 Newsletters
At a Glance: NSF Major Research Instrumentation Grant (MRI) Recurring Funding Opportunities A quick rundown of this recurring National Science Foundation grant to purchase multi-user and shared-use instrumentation for scientific and engineering research and training across disciplinary boundaries.
Background on UArizona HSI Status Background Information History of UArizona HSI Status and affiliated on-campus resources.
Developing a Diversity Plan for STEM Education Projects General Guidance This 7-page document includes tips on what to include in your diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) plan, how to invite expert partners and a list of possible U of A programs/offices to either leverage or consult with as you develop your DEI plan.
Distilling NIH Summary Statements and Guidance on the Introduction to Resubmission NIH Tools & Templates How to best distill your summary statements and prepare for the resubmission (and if you should).
Expanding Undergraduate Research: Identifying Federal Funding to Support Student Involvement Proposal Guidance A webinar, slides and contact information for staff who can help design undergraduate research experiences and help you obtain federal funding to support these activities.
Federal Opportunities for HBCUs and MSIs (2024 Update) General Guidance The Biden Administration has continued to prioritize and support Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) and Historically Black Colleges and University (HBCUs) across all federal agencies, proposing increases to existing programs as well as looking toward Congress to authorize new funding. To assist in tracking these many developments, Lewis-Burke has compiled the attached document, which provides an overview of federal opportunities specifically available for MSIs and HBCUs. Programs described in the document are likely of interest to various Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), HBCUs, Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISIs), and Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), among other MSIs.

This document only includes programs either currently or previously funded by Congress and omits those that have been authorized but have not received appropriations.

Contact RDS 

(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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