USDA USDA-NIFA-OP-009753: 2023 Food and Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS)

USDA USDA-NIFA-OP-009753: 2023 Food and Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS)

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


The Food and Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS), under assistance listing number 10.200, is a comprehensive database that gathers information, on a voluntary basis, from degree granting institutions of higher education on student enrollment in Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Human Sciences (FANH), degrees awarded, and graduate placement at all degree levels and by gender, race, and other relevant categories. In addition, data is collected on faculty salaries by rank and discipline.

Funding under this authority provides funds to administer the FAEIS database. The applicant will:
1. Collect and maintain an accurate, verified and validated set of data, with a focus on FANH sciences from institutions of higher education in the United States.
2. Maintain and enhance an online platform offering user-friendly access to the data for students, institutions, industry, Federal agencies, and the public at large.
3. Facilitate outreach and dissemination of information on both FAEIS itself and outcomes from FAEIS data to NIFA, contributors of the data, and other users of data. 

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

Contact RDS 

(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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