NEH 2024o806-CHC: 2024 Graduate Education in the Humanities: A National Convening

NEH 2024o806-CHC: 2024 Graduate Education in the Humanities: A National Convening

Submit 250-word Notice of Intent // Limit: 1  //  // Tickets Available: 1



 An organization may submit only one application under this notice. 

Graduate Education in the Humanities: A National Convening will support the design, development, and implementation of a national convening on the state of, and prospects for, higher education in the humanities. Under the direction of a steering committee and related working groups, the national convening will provide participants the opportunity to explore current challenges and share best practices; offer guidance for graduate programs, departments, and other interested stakeholders; and help develop a strategic vision for graduate education in the humanities. In addition, the recipient will publish and disseminate a report based on the findings of the steering committee, working groups, and national convening.

The cooperative agreement will be awarded with federal matching funds. The recipient will be required to match the NEH financial contribution by raising an equivalent amount from third-party, non-federal sources.


Areas of Interest:

  • American Tapestry: Weaving Together Past, Present, and Future
  • United We Stand: Connecting Through Culture
  • NEH’s Support for the Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

Contact RDS 

(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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