HRSA-24-074: 2024 Medical Student Education (MSE) Program

HRSA-24-074: 2024 Medical Student Education (MSE) Program

Limit: 1 // S. Veres (College of Medicine – Phoenix, Family, Community and Preventive Medicine)


The purpose of the Medical Student Education (MSE) Program is to provide support to public medical schools in the top quintile of states with a projected primary care physician shortage to expand or support education for medical students preparing to become physicians. This expansion can include funding for direct student supports which help students be successful in medical school, as well as for infrastructure development, maintenance, equipment, and minor renovations or alterations. The program is designed to prepare and encourage medical students in these schools to choose residencies and careers in primary care and serve tribal, rural, and/or medically underserved communities in those states after they complete their residency.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

Contact RDS 

(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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