
Applied Research Building

The Applied Research Building

Designed to Enable Real World Innovations

Read ARB News Stories

The Applied Research Building (ARB) is a highly specialized, one-of-a-kind, 89,000-square-foot facility that pairs new applied research capabilities with state-of-the-art equipment and technology and brings together several interdisciplinary university programs under one roof.

It will provide regionally unique capabilities for the university, allow for expansion of industry and advanced manufacturing partnerships, and turn research and discovery into practical, real-world solutions that produce societal impact.

The ARB houses the state-of-the-art equipment and technologies to advance research in optics, manufacturing, space exploration, and more. Learn about eight of the building's key facilities for driving forth applied innovations in these areas.

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PDF file of posters describing key areas of the ARB building

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Program for Applied Research Building Grand Opening Event

Thermal Vacuum Chamber


While the average temperature on a typical April day in Tucson is about 81 degrees Fahrenheit, temperatures on Mars average about minus 81 degrees. All materials – even aluminum and titanium, both of which are commonly used to fabricate nanosatellites – perform differently under different conditions. Spacecraft and high altitude, balloon-borne, science payloads benefit from testing in the conditions they will operate in after launch. The Thermal Vacuum Chamber (TVC) simulates both the pressure and temperature conditions found in space, as well as the near space environment. This facilitates testing the performance of all components and subsystems prior to launch.

Fast Facts

  • The TV chamber can fit objects the size of an entire pickup truck inside of it
  • It weighs 40 tons, or roughly 81,000 pounds
  • It is 30 feet long
  • Normal atmospheric pressure is defined as 1 atmosphere or 760 torr
  • The TVC can maintain a vacuum pressure at 5 torr for balloon borne missions, and as low as 1x10-5 torr for space based missions
  • The TVC can cool its inner shrouds to -10C for balloon borne missions
  • The TVC can cool its inner shrouds to the temperature of liquid nitrogen, or -315°F
  • Tests inside the TVC can run from a day to two weeks
Illustration of a vaccum chamber from the outside

Anechoic Chamber


This nonreflective, echo-free room is called an anechoic (a-nih-KOH-ik) chamber. The chamber is built with radio-wave-absorbing material applied to the walls, ceiling, and floor. The absorptive material – a carbon-filled foam – is designed to keep sound waves from bouncing. The conditions of the anechoic chamber allow researchers to test satellite antennae for their command, control, and data relay performance.

Fast Facts

  • In an anechoic chamber, speech sounds muffled, like when your ears need to pop in an airplane.
  • The quietest place on Earth is an anechoic chamber built and owned by Microsoft. The measured noise level is -20.3 decibels, 20.3 decibels below the threshold of human hearing. In it, you can hear the sound of your own beating heart, flowing blood, and grinding bones.
  • The almost absolute silence in an anechoic chamber gradually manifests into a ringing in your ears.
  • Over time, the lack of reverberation in a room like this causes people to lose their balance.
Illustration of anechoic equipment

Laboratory for Advanced and Additive Manufacturing


The Laboratory for Advanced and Additive Manufacturing uses state-of-the-art digital fabrication techniques to design and fabricate complex materials with on-demand properties that are not achievable using conventional manufacturing methods. This space enables collaborations among manufacturing experts from the College of Medicine, the James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences, the College of Engineering, and others to be at the forefront of manufacturing advances that embody the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Advanced manufacturing efforts at the University of Arizona focus on defense, space, aerospace and biomedical and communications technology.

Fast Facts

  • The university's industry partners in this area include Raytheon, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, and NASA.
  • The first printer to create three-dimensional objects appeared in 1983, just a year after the first CD was manufactured.
Illustration of additive manufacturing equipment

Imaging Technology Laboratory


Under the direction of research professor and astronomer Michael Lesser, the ITL is a world-leading supplier of advanced scientific imaging sensors for visible, ultraviolet, and x-ray light detection. The most common applications for its imaging technologies are in the fields of astronomy, satellite imagery such as Earth observations, and the manufacturing of electronic devices. What's more, the lab has developed and supports camera systems used on telescopes owned and operated by the University. The lab's industry partners include Lockheed Martin, Ball Aerospace and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, while its federal funding agencies include NASA, the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense. The lab at ARB is a clean room, meaning it is designed to filter out airborne particles and pollutants like dust, microbes, and aerosols.

Fast Facts

  • The ITL was located off campus prior to the opening of the Applied Research Building.
  • The lab has delivered more than 4,000 sensors to scientific and industrial imaging communities across the globe.
  • The lab has developed and supports camera systems used on telescopes owned and operated by the University.
  • Although UV waves are invisible to the human eye, some insects, including bumblebees, can see them.

Want to collaborate with the Imaging Technology Lab?

Contact Mike Lesser:

decorative element

Mission Operations Center


After launch, spacecraft and balloons must be carefully monitored and commanded from thousands if not millions of miles away. A mission operations center performs this work while a science operations center coordinates the distribution and processing of data. The ARB’s Mission Operations Center equips us with with all the computers, networks, and software needed to control missions from right here in Tucson.

Fast Facts

  • UArizona faculty Marcia Rieke is the principal investigator for the James Webb Space Telescope’s Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam), and UArizona’s George Rieke is the science team lead for the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). The Mission Operations Center for the JWST is located at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Lockheed Martin provides the mission operations center for the UArizona-led NASA mission to retrieve material from the surface of an asteroid, OSIRIS-REx under the direction of the NASA mission manager at Goddard Space Flight Center.
  • UArizona is now one of very few American universities with the capability to provide mission operations support for NASA Class D missions.
illustrations of six screens assembled to make a large monitor display

The CubeSat Laboratory


This laboratory is a dedicated space for the fabrication of nanosatellites, often called “CubeSats,” and small space instruments, which represent the next generation of technology for space exploration and scientific investigation. The lab is designed to maximize reliability of space hardware by providing a clean environment for assembly. A major benefit of miniaturized satellites is cost and schedule efficiency: they are easier to mass produce and have a standard size and shape, commodifying access to space. They are less expensive to build than traditional satellites and, because of their compact size, they often piggyback on rockets carrying other spacecraft.

Fast Facts

  • A typical CubeSat is about the size of a toaster, though the smallest are 4-inch cubes weighing less than 3 pounds.
  • CubeSats have become increasingly popular in space exploration over the last two decades, with NASA launching its first CubeSat, GeneSat, in late 2006 and now hundreds are launched per year.
  • UArizona is expected to launch the CatSat CubeSat later this year.
Illustration of a cube satelite

Space Materials Curation Facility


The Space Materials Curation Facility will house materials used to differentiate between artificial and natural objects in the Earth-Moon system. The collections include rocket body paint samples, mylar, metals, kapton, solar cells, and similar items used for building and coating satellites and spacecraft, as well as a small representative set of meteorites. Researchers use telescopes on Earth to capture a space object’s spectral signature—the wavelengths of light that bounce off an object’s surface. They use that data to identify what it is (artificial versus natural) and where it came from. This work is important to space traffic management and national security. With nearly 100 missions planned to the moon over the next decade, there is an increased risk of collisions with space debris. Samples curated at the facility will help ensure that use of orbital space between the Earth and moon remains safe, secure, and sustainable.

Fast Facts

  • The European Space Agency estimates that there are presently more than 170 million pieces of debris, or “space junk,” (over the size of 1 millimeter) orbiting Earth. Any of these objects would have the ability to cause harm to operational spacecraft.
  • Even a one-centimeter object could penetrate the shields on the International Space Station.
decorative element

High Bay Facility


With 40-foot ceilings similar to those found in warehouses, the ARB's high-bay payload laboratory will offer teams of scientists and engineers a dedicated space to assemble high-altitude stratospheric balloons such as the University of Arizona-led, NASA-funded GUSTO mission. These high-altitude balloons are used for critical everyday operations such as providing accurate weather data by measuring and transmitting information on atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind speed. They can also be used for more sophisticated scientific exploration, as in the case of GUSTO, which will send a balloon to near-space, carrying a telescope that will study the interstellar medium – the gas and dust between the stars, from which all stars and planets originate.

Fast Facts

  • The double doors to enter the high bay facility at the ARB are the nation’s largest doors.
  • Balloon-borne astronomy fills an important gap between ground-based observatories and space telescopes by allowing telescopes and other instruments to reach altitudes where they experience less interference from Earth's atmosphere.
  • UArizona is home to another high bay facility, located at UA Tech Park at The Bridges, which opened in December 2022.
  • Each of the letters of the Hollywood sign overlooking Los Angeles, California is roughly as tall as the high bay facility at the ARB.
Illustration of an atmospheric balloon


The Applied Research Building in the News

Featured Coverage

The University of Arizona ARB Building

Mission Control: University of Arizona Applied Research Building houses space institute, future endeavors

January 30, 2024

The 89,000-square-foot University of Arizona Applied Research Building expands the university's already considerable research capabilities thanks to state-of-the-art equipment and technology, including a 40-ton thermal vacuum chamber used to replicate the conditions in outer space – the largest of its kind at any university in the world. 

UArizona’s $85M Applied Research Building opens

Photo by Kelly Presnell
April 7, 2023

The University of Arizona celebrated the grand opening of its Applied Research Building Wednesday. Eight departments among four colleges—including the College of Medicine – Tucson—will have dedicated space there.

40-foot-high bay labs with 30-foot-high doors in the Applied Research Building

As bold and wonderous as space exploration itself

"Radical in design, the building itself is a highly calibrated machine, uniquely suited to house complex and sensitive research demands with optimal performance in its desert environment. "

More News Coverage

Arizona Public Media

April 6, 2023

Tony Perkins reports for AZPM

Arizona Public Media

April 6, 2023

Paula Rodriguez reports for AZPM

New University of Arizona Applied Research Building Furthers Space Research

April 23, 2023

The University of Arizona marked the completion of construction and opening of the $85 million Applied Research Building (ARB), a one-of-a-kind advanced research facility that further solidifies and advances the university’s reputation in space research.

ARB Video Footage


Video footage by McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.

Arizona Daily Star

April 5, 2023

Spectacular photos from the Arizona Daily Star

Robert Zimmerman: Behind the Black

April 6, 2023

"the most fascinating moment during this grand opening tour of the ARB came when I went up to the cubesat laboratory. There, a student [...] described his own cubesat project, aimed at tracking the transits of a known exoplanet in order to demonstrate the capability of cubesats to do such work."

Gallery: UArizona opens Applied Research Building

April 5, 2023

The University of Arizona celebrated the grand opening of its Applied Research Building Wednesday. The event included tours of the new facility, a celebratory event and remarks from UArizona President Robert C. Robbins, Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation Elizabeth "Betsy" Cantwell, UArizona Space Institute Director Tim Swindle, and Associate Vice President for Planning, Design and Construction and University Architect Peter Dourlein.

Inside the Applied Research Building

A two part series about the Applied Research Building

Learn about a laboratory for assembling high-altitude balloons, a chamber that simulates conditions in space, an echo-free room for testing antennae performance, ARB's Imaging Technology Laboratory, Mission Operations Center, and Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory.

Student-built satellite uses 'beach ball' for an antenna

March 6, 2023

CatSat is a small satellite carrying a new communications concept – an inflatable antenna – into space. The project provides a rare opportunity for students at the University of Arizona to get hands-on experience with spaceflight technology.

University of Arizona's $85M building to advance science, engineering research

July 5, 2021

The University of Arizona broke ground on an $85 million Applied Research Building set to bring together several programs under one roof.

Construction Begins on UArizona's New Applied Research Building

June 29, 2021

Construction of the University of Arizona's new $85 million, three-story Applied Research Building began today as crews broke ground on the 89,000-square-foot facility. The new building at the southeast corner of East Helen Street and North Highland Avenue will connect researchers across four colleges and eight departments.

UA's Space Program Brings in Big Bucks

February 9, 2023

An economic impact that rivals the Super Bowl.

How University of Arizona students are preparing for careers guiding space missions

January 20, 2021

University of Arizona students are getting their own unmanned satellite ready for launch.

University of Arizona opens new research facility dedicated to space science

April 9, 2023

"Standing at three stories tall, the facility is expected to continue UA’s research in space science and related fields."

KOLD-TV Segment

April 5, 2023

KOLD-TV Segment ARB Opens

KVOA-TV Segment

April 5, 2023

KVOA-TV Segment ARB Opens

The John Bachelor Show


A conversation about the ambitious scope of the Applied Research Building.


Media Contact

Grand Challenges Research Building

A powerhouse for research just got even stronger.

Introducing the Grand Challenges Research Building.

Designed to Empower and Improve Everyday Lives

The rising Grand Challenges Research Building is designed to draw on the University's core strengths by supporting the expansion of the Optical Sciences, and provide research capacity for the new Center for Quantum Networks.

Exterior of new GCRB Building

The new Grand Challenges Research Building is a seven-story interdisciplinary masterpiece with every inch designed to foster collaboration in research and technology that will fundamentally shape the future of our society.

Woman in lab coat manipulating an instrument

The facility will leverage and amplify the University of Arizona’s greatest core research strengths: in the areas of engineering, optical science, lunar & planetary science, medicine, and much more.

In this building, world experts from a range of growing and cutting-edge fields will come together with undergraduate and graduate students to make discoveries and to teach the next generation of scientists, doctors, entrepreneurs and engineers.


In the News

September 28, 2021 - Construction Underway on University's Grand Challenges Research Building

Betsy Cantwell

In the words of Senior VP of Research

"Beyond Attracting and reinforcing our industry partners with companies including Honeywell, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, Research conducted in the GCRB will translate into major societal impacts and allows us to apply world-class research to practical, real-world needs.”

—Betsy Cantwell

In the words of UArizona's President

“The co-location of multiple, interrelated research programs will create a hub that enables new opportunities for Fourth Industrial Revolution research that will help the university recruit and retain recognized faculty. GRCB will focus on several areas that have resulted in the university being ranked among the top 100 research institutions in the world.”

—Robert C. Robbins

Research and centers that will be located in the GCRB:

UArizona faculty, staff, and students across all disciplines work to unlock new research solutions and accelerate breakthrough discoveries using the power of information technologies enabled by The Institute for Computation and Data-Enabled Insight (ICDI) and other data-related units that will be housed at GCRB.

At UA major research is ongoing related to the development of advanced optical microscopes, endoscopes, and micro-endoscopes. Several faculty members are involved in multi-modality imaging (optical, MRI, ultrasound, photoacoustic, nuclear) which is a technique that enables scientists to study the microenvironment of a tumor.

Optical sciences research includes the use of lasers, lenses, spectrometers and other light-manipulating systems to design equipment for manufacturing, medicine, communications and space exploration. GCRB will greatly expand UA’s capacity in optical sciences, below are two areas that highlight UA’s research potential.  The College of Optical Sciences has over 50 active research programs and generates approximately $20 million in new research awards per year.

In August 2020 the NSF selected UA to lead and establish the Center for Quantum Networks.  The quantum approach to computing is new to the physics of transferring information, it merges quantum mechanics and information theory.  Quantum computing is expected to transform medicine, break encryption and revolutionize communications and artificial intelligence.  In addition to developing the quantum internet, the Center is charged with creating the curriculum for the new discipline, “quantum information science and engineering.”

Researchers at UA are world-leaders in designing and fabricating highly specialized optics. Students work alongside faculty on projects of global significance, such as the Giant Magellan Telescope, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, and OSIRIS-REx.

The first floor of GCRB will include large multi-functional space intended to support student engagement and will be capable of supporting some instructional activity. The GCRB will house the state-of-the-art equipment and technologies required to successfully carryout the research detailed above.


Many large air-tables are required to provide the space and stability needed to conduct most optical experiments.

Laser systems drive most optical experiments and have specific power, cooling, shielding and other related requirements.

The facility will have at least one quantum networking testbed and specialized equipment for quantum network element prototyping.

There will be smart spaces hardware prototyping and human testing laboratories Remote sensing prototyping laboratories, and biomedical optics hardware prototyping laboratories.


Analytical & Biological Mass Spectrometry

At the Analytical & Biological Mass Spectrometry Facility (ABMS), we have state-of-the-art equipment and unparalleled expertise for the analysis of a variety of biological and small molecules. One of our specializations includes protein-analysis encompassing: protein identification, protein and peptide sequence confirmation, intact protein molecular weight determination, complex protein sample analysis, and protein/antibody-drug interactions.

Biosphere 2

The Biosphere 2 is a living laboratory for controlled scientific studies of Earth systems, an arena for scientific discovery and discussion, and a provider of public education.

RII Core Facilities Pilot Program

Award Cycle: Quarterly
Limit on Proposals per PI: An individual may participate as PI on one RII Core Facilities Pilot Program (CFPP) proposal per cycle. 
Limit on Awards per PI: An individual may not have more than two active RII CFPP awards at a given time. PIs with recruitment or retention awards for use of RII Core Facilities are ineligible for CFPP funding to use RII Cores until other funds are depleted.
Proposal Due Dates: First Wednesday of the business day
     Next Deadline is August 2, 2024
Applications: Open Thursday, November 2, 2023; Accepted through Arizona Cultivate
Earliest Start Date: Three weeks after quarterly due date
Award Period: One year from award date; extensions will not be granted. 

     *NOTE: Funds are only available for one year from date of award. If an award has not been expended within 12 months, the remaining balance will expire and the recipient will need to reapply for a new award.

Description: The RII CFPP is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the following activity types:

  1. The development of new methods or techniques that would extend the standard operating procedures and capabilities of RII-managed core facilities and potentially impact multiple UA researchers. Successful projects will result in new methods or techniques which will be disseminated to the UA research community via the core’s website, and be incorporated into the core’s standard operating procedures and capabilities.
  2. The acquisition of preliminary data needed for extramural proposals. Successful projects will result in at least one new extramural research proposal. PIs must note the specific extramural funding opportunity announcement for which they plan to submit and their anticipated submission date along with their CFPP application.  A full justification of the anticipated studies is required.
  3. The technical training of students conducting research under existing extramural funding. Successful projects will result in student researchers with the technical skills to operate equipment safely, efficiently and independently within the core facility(ies). PIs should note the student(s) to be trained, the core(s) in which they will be trained, the equipment on which they are to be trained, and the funding source under which the student’s research project is funded. Proposals to train students from traditionally marginalized groups will be given funding priority.

PIs should request funding commensurate with the resources necessary to complete the aims of their proposal and the rates for those resources within the relevant core facility(ies). Most awards will be capped at approximately $10,000, although well-justified projects may be awarded funding above this level. NOTE: It is REQUIRED that CFPP proposals and their budgets be developed with the assistance of the relevant core facility manager(s). Funding provided under the CFPP may only be spent within RII-managed core facilities (see list of eligible facilities below). CFPP funds may not be used to procure specialty materials or chemicals -- these funds are for utilization of instruments and staff time within the eligible facilities.

Please provide proper attribution to the relevant core(s) and the CFPP program if funding results in publications, presentations, successful grant applications, technologies, or other products.

List of eligible facilities:

  1. Analytical and Biological Mass Spectrometry 
  2. Flow Cytometry and Human Immune Monitoring Shared Resource (BD LSR II Cell Analyzer, BD FACSARIA III Cell Sorter, BD FASCCanto II Cell Analyzer, BD LSR Fortessa Cell Analyzer, ThermoFisher Attune Cell Analyzer, Amnis ImageStreamX Mk II Imaging Flow Cytometer)  
  3. Functional Genomics Core 
  4. Imaging Cores - Electron  
  5. Imaging Cores - Optical 
  6. Machining and Welding Center 
  7. Micro/Nano Fabrication Center 
  8. Translational Bioimaging Resource 
  9. AZ Genetics Core 
  10. AZ Molecular Clinical Core
  11. BIO5 Genetically Engineered Mouse Models (GEMM) Core
  12. Arizona Genomics Institute 

Proposal preparation, submission, and processing information is available in the RII Proposal Preparation Guide (PPG) - v8, which is downloadable in the Arizona Cultivate competition. The PPG includes requirements for the project narrative and supplemental documents; it is strongly encouraged that interested applicants read the PPG in full as proposals that do not match the PPG will be returned without review.

Solicitation Specific Information:

  • PI Eligibility: Postdoctoral scholars are able to apply as PI on type 1 (new methods or techniques) and 3 (student training) proposals. 
  • Budget: Only use of one of the Core Facilities listed above should be included in the proposal budget. Student support, additional supplies, etc., are not eligible expenses for this grant. It is REQUIRED that CFPP proposals and their budgets be developed with the assistance of the relevant core facility manager(s).
  • Review: Review of the Core Facilities Pilot Program grants will be conducted in an expedited manner and may consist of review by one or more members of the RII-managed core facility’s advisory committee members. Unlike other Research Advancement Grants, limited or no feedback will be provided to applicants of the Core Facilities Pilot Program.


Questions? Email resdev@arizona.edu

Originally Posted April 16, 2019, updated August 18, 2023

Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Rates

The activity type is the basis for Facilities & Administrative (F&A) rates applied to a project. The activity type is used by the Financial Services Office to determine the overhead and space commitments of Sponsored Research at the University of Arizona. Even though a project may contain parts of multiple categories, a single overall goal of the project must be determined. 

The F&A rate should be consistent with the classification of the project according to the following table. 

The FY25 F&A Rate Agreement was signed Jan 2024.

Standard F&A Rate Table 

Activity type Description FY 24 Rate1 FY 25 Rate1 FY 26 Rate1 FY 27 Rate1 Rate Catecory
Research (On-campus) Intended to result in the creation, development, organization, and/or application of knowledge; Activities include rigorous inquiry, experimentation or investigation to increase scholarly understanding, as well as systematic application of knowledge or understanding toward the production of useful materials, devices, and systems or methods. 53.5% MTDC 54.5% MTDC 55.0% MTDC 55.5% MTDC Federal Negotiated Rate
Commercial/For Profit, Foreign Government Research (On-campus) Activity intended to result in the creation, organization, and/or application of knowledge 55.5% + 9% = 64.5% MTDC 55.5% + 9% = 64.5% MTDC 55.5% + 9% = 64.5% MTDC 55.5% + 9% = 64.5% MTDC Other Standard UA F&A Rate
Commercial/For Profit, Foreign Government (Off-campus) Activity intended to result in the creation, organization, and/or application of knowledge 26% + 9% = 35% MTDC 26% + 9% = 35% MTDC 26% + 9% = 35% MTDC 26% + 9% = 35% MTDC Other Standard UA F&A Rate
Research (Off-campus) Research that occurs off-campus³ 26% MTDC 26% MTDC 26% MTDC 26% MTDC Federal Negotiated Rate
Instruction (On-campus) Intended to elicit education change in a learner or group of learners 50% MTDC 40% MTDC 40% MTDC 40% MTDC Federal Negotiated Rate
Instruction Commercial/For Profit, Foreign Government Intended to elicit education change in a learner or group of learners 50% + 9% = 59% MTDC 40% + 9% = 49% MTDC 40% + 9% = 49% MTDC 40% + 9% = 49% MTDC Other Standard UA F&A Rate
Instruction (Off-campus) Instruction that occurs off-campus³ 26% MTDC 26% MTDC 26% MTDC 26% MTDC Federal Negotiated Rate
Other Sponsored Activity (On-campus) Activity that responds to a community need or solves a public problem 47% MTDC 38% MTDC 38% MTDC 38% MTDC Federal Negotiated Rate
Other Sponsored Activity Commercial/For Profit, Foreign Government Activity that responds to a community need or solves a public problem 47% + 9% = 56% MTDC 38% + 9% = 47% MTDC 38% + 9% = 47% MTDC 38% + 9% = 47% MTDC Other Standard UA F&A Rate
Other Sponsored Activity (Off-campus) Other Sponsored Activity that occurs off-campus³ 26% MTDC 26% MTDC 26% MTDC 26% MTDC Federal Negotiated Rate
Clinical Trial⁴ Protocol-driven drug and device testing involving human subjects, generally funded by for-profit sponsors 30% TDC 30% TDC 30% TDC 30% TDC Other Standard UA F&A Rate
Student Experiential Learning Projects conducted by students not employed by UA, as part of a course requirement (linked to a course number), not including graduate research credits 25% TDC 25% TDC 25% TDC 25% TDC Other Standard UA F&A Rate
Consortia Memberships Fees paid by a sponsor to become a member of an agreement based UA consortium; reach out to your college/dept for clarifications and allowances to apply this rate and allowable costs.  10% TDC 10% TDC 10% TDC 10% TDC Other Standard UA F&A Rate
Inter-personnel Agreements Placement of UA staff at another institution which has responsibility for daily supervision of the staff member 15% TDC 15% TDC 15% TDC 15% TDC Other Standard UA F&A Rate
Arizona State and County Agencies Projects sponsored by Arizona state agencies where the agency indicates that this is the maximum rate allowed  For example: Arizona Department of Health Services, Pima County Health Department⁶ 10% TDC 10% TDC 10% TDC 10% TDC Other Standard UA F&A Rate
Federal Prizes No required research component. ⁵ 0% MTDC 0% MTDC 0% MTDC 0% MTDC Other Standard UA F&A Rate
TRIF/ABOR Funding Funding from Arizona Board of Regents and/or Technology and Research Initiative Fund
0% MTDC 0% MTDC 0% MTDC 0% MTDC Other Standard UA F&A Rate
STTR/SBIR Phase 1 STTR/SBIR Phase 1 projects will be granted a one time waiver for 15% TDC. Note that NIH and NSF will not accept this waiver and strictly adhere to the UA's NICRA 15% TDC 15% TDC 15% TDC 15% TDC F&A Waiver

1 Rates are MTDC for Research, Instruction, and Other Sponsored Activity.  All other rates are TDC minimum rates.

2 For any activity in which we are a subrecipient and our sponsor's prime agreement is with a federal agency, our federally negotiated rates apply to our work.

3 For the definition of what constitutes off campus activity, please see the definition below.

4 This rate applies only to clinical trials that meet the criteria described on the F&A Costs page.

5Please note this is specific to prizes which follow the federal sponsor's criteria for their definition of what constitutes as a prize.

⁶Please note this rate is specific to precedence set by the sponsor and will be updated to reflect the current rates applicable by the sponsor.

Definition of Off-Campus

The off-campus rate is applicable to those projects that are conducted in facilities not owned, leased or operated by the University. If the project is conducted in leased space and lease costs are directly charges to the project, then the off-campus rate must be used. A project is considered off-campus if more than 50% of its salaries and wages are incurred at an off-campus facility. If a project is determined to be off-campus, it shall be considered wholly off-campus. Separate on and off-campus rates will not be used for a single project.

Industry and Foreign Government Cost Rate

UArizona’s Facilities and Administration (F&A) rates are negotiated between the University and the Department of Health and Human Services every three years. While these rates change nominally during these negotiations, the administrative costs allowed to be charged to federally sponsored agreements awarded are at 26% of Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC). This artificial cap translates into an approximately 3.5% shortfall on recovered Administrative costs. Institutionally there is approximately a 9% gap between the University’s negotiated federal F&A rate and the uncapped rate. While the University of Arizona has not thus far chosen to do so, most Universities in the AAU charge the full rate to non-Federal sponsors.

In order to maximize recovery of the true costs of research where feasible, as of July 1, 2021, the University will follow suit with the majority of AAU universities and assess an Administrative Fee of a minimum of 9% MTDC in addition to the federal F&A rate on all industry-sponsored research and research sponsored by foreign governments.

  • Any proposal submitted to SPS on July 1, 2021 or later must use the new rate
  • As a reminder, sponsored activity budgets submitted to sponsors that have not been approved by SPS through the UAR proposal process should be considered provisional, and are non-binding to the university
  • All stipulations directly associated with a RFP will be accepted
  • F&A waivers are not granted for industry sponsors



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