National Scleroderma Foundation

National Scleroderma Foundation FY2025 New Investigator Grant

Limit:  1  // Tickets Available: 1 

Applicants may submit only one grant application per grant review.

The National Scleroderma Foundation seeks applications from promising new investigators who hold faculty or equivalent positions and who wish to pursue a career in research related to scleroderma. This grant supports promising research that is likely to lead to individual research project grants.Applications may be submitted by domestic non-profit organizations, public and private such as universities, colleges, hospitals, and laboratories. Foreign organizations and institutions are not eligible. These newinvestigator grants may not be used to support thesis or dissertation research or fellowship training. Applicants must have a doctoral degree in Medicine, Osteopathy, Veterinary Medicine or one of the sciences; and must have completed a postdoctoral fellowship by the grant award date. Applicants who have been a principal investigator on grants from the National Scleroderma Foundation or other national, private or government agencies other than fellowship grants are not eligible for this award.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type