2023 Google PhD Fellowship Program

Institutionally Coordinated - UA Computer Science Department // Limit: 4 // Tickets Available: 4 

UArizona may nominate up to four eligible students from Computer Science or related fields. Nominations are accepted from September 1 through September 30.

A nomination is coordinated through the UA Computer Science Department. Contact Computer Science if interested.

External Deadline
Internal Deadline
July 27, 2022

NSFBAA-ENGINES-2022-05-1: 2022 NSF Regional Innovation Engines Type 1 and 2 Awards

Type 2: M. Van Dyke

While NSF allowed more than one concept outline to be submitted by an institution, UArizona may ultimately only submit one full proposal. Therefore, due to the complexity and scope of this program, RII is Institutionally Coordinating the submission of Concept Outlines to NSF, as well as the invited full proposal.

Full sponsor guidelines

External Deadline
08/31/22 (Type 1 LOI), 9/29/2022 (Type 1 Full), 12/15/2022 (Type 2 LOI), 1/31/2023 (Type 2 Full)
Internal Deadline
June 30, 2022

Why don't late night proposal approvals update the UAR dashboard?

There is an overnight process that runs behind the scenes in UAccess Research (UAR) to make sure dashboard cards like “Proposals not routing,” “Proposals routing to me” and “Proposal Workload Assignments” are updated with the latest changes. This process usually begins a little after midnight AZ time. Proposals approved after midnight may not be reflected in the UAR dashboard cards that day, they will update with the next overnight update.

2022 Women in STEM2D Scholars Program (Johnson & Johnson)

Engineering: S. Song
Science: L. Condon
Mathematics: OPEN
Design: OPEN

Technology: J. Su
Manufacturing: A. Zuniga-Teran

UArizona anticipates a submission limit of 6 proposals, one per award category: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing & Design. The anticipated sponsor's deadline is September 30, 2022, based on previous award cycles. When the 2022 solicitation and guidelines are posted by the sponsor, the internal competition will be updated.

External Deadline
09/30/2022 (anticipated)
Internal Deadline
Aug. 10, 2022

2022 Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program in Bioethics

K. Krupp

UArizona may submit one application.

Applicants must hold a faculty appointment (or other long-term research position outside a university) that allows at least 50 percent of their effort to perform research (often this is a faculty position with at least a 60 percent appointment in a tenure-track position or its equivalent).

External Deadline
Internal Deadline
Aug. 10, 2022

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