Cell and Tissue Based Technologies

Molecular Discovery Core (Phoenix)

The vision of the Molecular Discovery Core (MDC) is to build a highly collaborative and state-of-the-art facility at the Phoenix Biomedical Campus to accelerate early-stage drug discovery in the Arizona research community with several instruments geared toward the analysis of biomolecules. This core supports a wide variety of research activities that depend on the detection and analysis of proteins, nucleic acids, compounds, bioactive molecules and biomolecular interactions.

Flow Cytometry Core (Phoenix)

The Flow Cytometry Core provides expertise, training/education, personnel and instrumentation, to assist users in multi-parametric flow cytometry, and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) for both basic and clinical research. The core Director can provide help with multicolor/multiparameter panel designing, design of experiments, as well as to develop and implement new applications/assays. The core staff is available to provide assistance in sample preparation, staining, data acquisition and analysis.

Tissue Acquisition and Cellular/Molecular Analysis Shared Resource (TACMASR)

The Tissue Acquisition and Cellular/Molecular Analysis Shared Resource provides expertise in histological and immunopathological techniques and expert pathological analysis of both human and research animal tissues and cells. TACMASR assists researchers with experimental design and the interpretation of pathological findings. TACMASR is also responsible for the collection, banking, annotation and distribution of surgical biospecimens obtained through the Cancer Center Biospecimen Repository.