The University of Arizona is home to over 100 world-class research centers and institutes which serve as hubs of collaboration. UArizona is also home to world-class art and museums. Through collections-based research, teaching, and outreach, the museums share knowledge and collections with local, national, and international audiences of all ages and backgrounds
Research, Innovation and Impact oversees a number of shared core research facilities. This extensive offering provides faculty, scientists and students with access to not only to the latest instrumentation, but also to experienced staff with expertise in designing and conducting experiments and analyzing data. In addition to high-quality scientific services, many of these facilities also offer training and education.

Applied Research Building
The Applied Research Building (ARB) is a highly specialized, one-of-a-kind, 89,000-square-foot facility that pairs new applied research capabilities with state-of-the-art equipment and technology and brings together several interdisciplinary university programs under one roof.

Grand Challenges Research Building
The rising Grand Challenges Research Building is designed to draw on the University's core strengths by supporting the expansion of the Optical Sciences, and provide research capacity for the new Center for Quantum Networks.

Centers and Institutes
The university’s more than 100 centers and institutes provide researchers with the infrastructure necessary to have a wide-reaching impact.

Core Facilities
The University of Arizona is home to many specialized research resources called core facilities that are available for use by faculty, students, and scientists.

The university's world-class museums and archives are dedicated to sharing knowledge and resources with local, national, and international audiences.

Mission Integration Lab
The Mission Integration Lab expands research capacity to tackle grand space-based challenges and position the UArizona as one of only a handful of institutions that can run top-dollar missions.
RII: Native Peoples Technical Assistance Office (NPTAO)
NPTAO serves as a primary research and resource liaison for Native affairs for the Office for Research, Innovation, and Impact (RII).
Office of International Development
To help the University achieve its goals, the Office of International Development (OID) was established in 2020 to increase the understanding and capacity of faculty and students to work internationally and to build stronger connections to international partners and donors with a strong focus on the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Department of State (DOS), but also other institutional sponsors of international development activities.

Arizona Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
Veterinarians, researchers and government agencies around the state rely on AZVDL for timely and accurate test results when caring for pets, wild animals, livestock, zoo animals and more. We specialize in microbiology, cytology, histopathology, molecular diagnostics, and necropsy.
RII Business Center
The Research, Innovation & Impact Business Center (RIIBC) aspires to go above and beyond by providing our customers and their partners with guided, quality, and personalized service.