Limited Submissions FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Limited Submissions

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Yes. Each opportunity is reviewed independently.

In most cases, no budget is required for the pre-proposal. If a budget is required, a template will be provided as part of the pre-proposal application.

It depends, please visit the Types of Proposals webpage for further assistance.

No. As the administrative office that coordinates and manages the review of Limited Submissions, RDS does not assist in proposal preparation for pre-proposals. However, RDS does provide proposal support, when available, for all “tickets” awarded through the Limited Submission process.

Occasionally some funding opportunities will be managed as Institutionally Coordinated Submissions and will appear on the Limited Submission table with that designation. Usually, these opportunities are for large and/or complex funding opportunities that require institutional support, core facilities, or leadership approval. To guarantee the submission of the strongest proposal(s) to the funder, RDS coordinates the institutional UA response.

Subscribe to the Limited Submissions Newsletter, the RDS weekly digest of funding opportunities and news which lists upcoming and open funding opportunities. 

All Limited Submission opportunities currently in a competition will be listed in Arizona Cultivate. You can log in and apply using your NetID. Most applications require both textbox entry of application information such as a summary, a significance statement, approach, and expected outcomes, as well as uploads in PDF format. RDS recommends logging in to the system to see what is required well in advance of the internal submission deadline.

The information contained in a limited submission pre-proposal and the associated supplemental documents is considered highly confidential and all efforts will be made to ensure the fair, objective, and confidential review of each pre-proposal.  Review panel members are required to sign a conflict of interest statement prior to pre-proposal review and to adhere to strict guidelines to ensure confidentiality of the content of all limited submissions applications.

Existing programs or centers with no break in funding (i.e. successful prior renewals or first competitive renewal) will have the opportunity to recompete to the sponsor without internal competition for two submission cycles. If, however, the existing program or center is unsuccessful in obtaining its renewal after two consecutive submissions, an internal limited submission competition will occur. If other pre-proposals are received for the limited submission competition, it is not guaranteed that the PI of the existing programs or centers will be granted the ticket. 

It depends. First, check the RDS Limited Submissions Table to see if the funding opportunity is listed and currently accepting internal pre-proposals. If an internal competition is underway, review the pre-proposal requirements and submit your pre-proposal. If the funding opportunity is not listed, email to express your interest in applying. RDS will establish eligibility to apply based on the Preferred Timeline for Limited Submissions.

Contact RDS 

(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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