USDA USDA-NIFA-HSI-009742: 2023 Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Education Grants Program - Collaboration & Conference Grants

USDA USDA-NIFA-HSI-009742: 2023 Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Education Grants Program - Collaboration & Conference Grants

K. Fitzsimmons ( International Initiatives/ Environmental Science) - Collaboration Track

There is one slot still available for the Collaboration Track and two free slots for the Conference Track. 
UA may not submit more than two Collaboration and two Conference applications to this program, as a lead institution each year. There is no limit on the number of Regular applications submitted by an institution

For FY 2023, only two awards will be made to the same lead institution, with up to one being a Collaboration award each year. Conference awards are excluded from this award limitation. A Project Director may not apply for a Collaboration grant as the lead project director if they currently have an active USDA NIFA HSI Collaboration award in its first or second year of the project

The purpose of the HSI Education Grants Program is to encourage innovative teaching or education proposals with potential to impact and become models for other institutions that serve underrepresented students at the regional or national level. Projects supported by this program must include/address one or more of the following goals:

  1.  Attract and support undergraduate and graduate students from underrepresented groups to prepare them for careers related to the food, agricultural natural resources, and human systems and sciences in the United States.
  2.  Enhance the quality of postsecondary instruction within the above disciplines.
  3. Provide opportunities and access to food and agricultural careers in the public, non-profit and private sectors.
  4. Align the efforts of HSIs and other non-profit organizations to support academic development and career attainment of underrepresented groups.

The HSI Education Grants Program is aligned with the following USDA Strategic Plan FY 2022- 2026:

  1. Strategic Goal 2: Ensure America’s Agricultural System is Equitable, Resilient, and Prosperous
  2. Strategic Goal 4: Provide All Americans Safe, Nutritious Food



Collaboration Grant
Collaboration Grants for this program must be submitted by agroup of two or more HSIs forming a linkage arrangement for the purpose of carryingout common objective(s) on the group’s behalf. The arrangement must be formed topromote and strengthen the institutional abilities to carry out higher educationprograms related to FANH . Collaboration grants must support Education/TeachingProjects. Collaboration grants for Community Development Projects will not beaccepted.

Grants are designed to help institutions develop competitive projects and to attractnew students into careers in high-priority areas of national need. To ensure the cost- effectiveness of funded projects, the institutions will work together to recruit andgraduate a minimum of fifteen undergraduate and ten graduate students fromunderrepresented groups in an Associate, Baccalaureate, MS, or PhD degree program.The twenty-five students must be recruited during the duration of the grant.

Collaboration Grants will be funded up to approximately $1,000,000 total, and mustbe for a project period of four years.

All partners must have a significant role in the collaboration and each institution’sbudget needs to be appropriate to support its activities. More information regardingpartnership and allowed activities can be found in “HSI Education Grants ProgramSupplemental Information.”

Conference Grants
Conference Grants support scientific meetings that bring togethereducators to identify research, education/teaching, and/or extension needs, updateinformation, or advance an area of education/teaching. Individual conference grantsmust not exceed $50,000 total for a project period of up to three years. Conferencegrants are not renewable. Indirect costs are not permitted on Conference Grantawards.

In FY 2023, one of the conference grants will be awarded to an institution to bringtogether a diverse and representative group of HSIs for a HSI Assessment andEvaluation conference to convene HSIs from across the country and Puerto Rico.Applications are expected to propose a conference that will emphasize research andpractice as related to educational assessment and evaluation of projects fundedthrough the NIFA HSI Education Grants program. Projects should focus on thefollowing areas:

a.Measuring to what extent previously funded projects from the NIFA HSIEducation Grants Program achieve the following program goals to guidecurrently funded and future project applicants:

1.Attract and support undergraduate and graduate students fromunderrepresented groups to prepare them for careers related toFANH agricultural and natural resources systems and sciences inthe United States.

2.Enhance the quality of postsecondary instruction within the abovedisciplines.

3.Provide opportunities and access to food and agricultural careers in thepublic and private sector.

4.Align the efforts of HSIs and other non-profit organizations to supportacademic development and career attainment of underrepresented groups.

b.Capturing the outcomes and impacts of NIFA funds on student recruitment, retention, and graduation and faculty professional development, including retention and promotion. c. Disseminating and reporting outcomes, impacts, and best practices to federal agencies, the greater HSI community, and other stakeholders.

d. Promoting and strengthening the ability of HSIs to carry out education, applied research, and related community development programs.

Conference activities should bring together participants from a range of backgrounds and institution types to learn ways to evaluate and assess their projects, discuss challenges facing HSIs, and provide opportunities for participants to discuss their own experiences. Invitees will be determined in collaboration with the agency with a minimum of twenty-five institutions expected to attend. The conference date will be determined with guidance from program staff to accommodate agency and stakeholder needs.

Conference applications focused on assessment and evaluation should include 1) a comprehensive plan for outreach and ensuring attendance of a diverse and representative group of HSIs and stakeholders and 2) a robust dissemination plan for the conference proceedings.

The awardee is required to develop conference proceedings which will include, but not limited to: a) a detailed conference agenda, b) a list of the individuals, and their institutional affiliations, who participated as speakers or attendees in the formally planned sessions of the meeting, c) a summary of topics discussed, including current trends in evaluation methodology and recommendations of products that can assure preservation of and ready access to information and outputs from projects, and conclusions, and d) an analysis of HSIs’ future research, education, and extension needs in FANH as determined by the participants.

Applicants of regular, collaboration, or conference grants are encouraged, but not required, to partner with a USDA agency to leverage resources and expertise for the proposed project.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline
March 30, 2023 ( Proposal - Collaboration Grants) - March 31, 2023 ( Proposal - Conference Grants)

Contact RDS 

(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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