NSF 25-508: Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)
Limit: 5 // Tickets Available: 1
B. LeRoy (Physics)
V. Yurkiv (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering)
J. Bredas (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Z. Mutlu (Materials Science & Engineering)
Limit on Number of Proposals per Organization: 5
Each organization is limited to serving as lead on five (5) DMREF proposals. In the event that an organization exceeds this limit, the proposals will be accepted based on their times of submission, whereas the rest of the proposals will be returned without review, without exception. There is no limit on the number of proposals in which an organization may serve in a Collaborative, non-lead role.
Limit on Number of Proposals per PI or co-PI: 1
No individual may appear as Senior/Key Personnel (PI, Co-PI, Faculty or Other Senior/Key Personnel) on more than one (1) DMREF proposal submitted in response to this solicitation. In the event that an individual exceeds this limit, any DMREF proposal submitted to this solicitation with this individual listed as Senior/Key Personnel after the rst DMREF proposal is received at NSF will be returned without review, without exception. Changes in investigator roles post-submission to meet the eligibility requirements will not be allowed. It is the responsibility of the submitters to con rm that the entire team is within the eligibility guidelines.
Program Description:
DMREF seeks to foster the design, discovery, and development of materials to accelerate their path to deployment by harnessing the power of data and computational tools in concert with experiment and 3theory. DMREF emphasizes a deep integration of experiments, computation, and theory; the use of accessible digital data across the materials development continuum; and strengthening connections among theorists, computational scientists, data scientists, mathematicians, statisticians, and experimentalists as well as those from academia, industry, and government. DMREF is committed to the education and training of a next-generation materials research and development (R&D) workforce; wellequipped for successful careers as educators and innovators; and able to take full advantage of the materials development continuum and innovation infrastructures that NSF is creating through partnership with other federal and international agencies.
Who May Submit Proposals:
Proposals may only be submitted by the following: Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) - Two- and four-year IHEs (including community colleges) accredited in, and having a campus located in the US, acting on behalf of their faculty members. Special Instructions for International Branch Campuses of US IHEs: If the proposal includes funding to be provided to an international branch campus of a US institution of higher education (including through use of subawards and consultant arrangements), the proposer must explain the benefit(s) to the project of performance at the international branch campus, and justify why the project activities cannot be performed at the US campus.
Who May Serve as PI:
By the submission deadline, any PI, co-PI, or other Senior/Key project personnel must hold either: A tenured or tenure-track position, or A primary, full-time, paid appointment in a research or teaching position with exceptions granted for family or medical leave, as determined by the submitting institution. 15An investigator who is a PI or co-PI of a DMREF award based on a proposal submitted in response to the previous DMREF Solicitation ( NSF 23-530) cannot be a PI or co-PI for this DMREF solicitation, but may serve as Senior/Key Personnel. Proposals violating this limitation will be returned without review.