HUD FR-6600-N-29G: 2023 HUDRD - Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Research Center of Excellence

HUD FR-6600-N-29G: 2023 HUDRD - Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Research Center of Excellence

D. Kuhlmman (College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture) - ASU Subaward.

UA may submit one proposal. HSI Initiatives will provide proposal support and institutional coordination for this funding program.

The purpose of this grant is to conduct research projects on multiple topics of strategic interest to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. HUD’s 2022-26 Learning Agenda identifies HUD’s priority learning and research questions, consistent with the Departmental objectives and goals described in the 2022-26 Strategic Plan.

In addition to the topics listed in the Learning Agenda, applicants are invited to submit research proposals on other topics that address issues or challenges that impact housing, community and economic development, and the built environment in and for underserved communities. The following list of topics is not intended to be exhaustive: equity issues in local housing markets, broadly defined to include production and preservation, rental and homeownership, tenant protections, zoning and land use, property appraisals, property taxation, and other topics; building codes, standards, and construction technologies (including offsite/factory-built housing); “green” or energy-efficient practices in housing and carbon reduction strategies; disaster preparedness, and climate resilient planning and construction, and disaster recovery; innovative solutions that allow residents of HUD-assisted rental housing and other low-income renters to access economic opportunities, quality education, affordable transportation, health care, essential services, green-space and cultural amenities; and, housing and community planning that addresses the needs of and engages underserved communities.

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

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(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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