HRSA-22-091: 2022 Early Childhood Developmental Health Systems: Evidence to Impact

HRSA-22-091: 2022 Early Childhood Developmental Health Systems: Evidence to Impact

UArizona may submit one application.

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is accepting applications for the fiscal year (FY) 2022 Early Childhood Developmental Health Systems (ECDHS): Evidence to Impact program. The purpose of this program is to advance statewide systems of comprehensive early childhood developmental promotion, screenings, and interventions that improve outcomes and reduce disparities in early developmental health and family well-being for communities with high levels of childhood poverty. These systems will be referred to as early childhood development (ECD) systems throughout this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO).

One award will be made, in the form of a cooperative agreement, to establish an Early Childhood Evidence to Impact Center, hereby referred to as the Center. The goals of the Center are to: 1) increase the implementation and evaluation of evidence-informed, equity-focused strategies among states by providing national technical assistance (TA) and supporting the implementation and evaluation of ECD systems-building efforts; and 2) strengthen the evidence base in support of ECD systems-building.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

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(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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