EPA EPA-OAR-ORIA-24-01: 2024 Reducing Indoor Air Risks

EPA EPA-OAR-ORIA-24-01: 2024 Reducing Indoor Air Risks

No Applicants  // Limit: 1 proposal per priority area


Applicants may submit multiple applications that uniquely address one or more of these program priority areas. However, applicants may not submit multiple applications addressing the same program priority area. 

This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits applications from eligible entities to advance national policy or systems-level change to reduce indoor air risks and yield measurable environmental and public health outcomes. The EPA has identified and characterized significant risks to public health from indoor environmental contaminants that are commonly found in homes, schools, and offices or commercial non-industrial buildings where Americans spend up to 90 percent of their time. Levels of air pollution indoors are often two to five times higher, and occasionally 100 times higher than outdoor levels. Common indoor air contaminants include:
• Radon
• Environmental asthma triggers (e.g., secondhand smoke; cockroaches and other pests; chemical irritants; dust mites; pet dander; nitrogen dioxide; wood smoke; and mold)
• Pathogens transmitted through the air (e.g., SARS-COV-2, Influenza)
• Particulate matter
• Combustion byproducts
• Volatile organic compounds

Estimates of the economic costs in the US associated with adverse health and productivity effects of poor indoor air quality (IAQ) fall between $13 and $32 billion annually. Additionally, the annual sales of IAQ products and services are valued at $18–$30 billion and are associated with approximately 150,000–250,000 current jobs in the US.

The goal of the EPA’s Indoor Environmental Division is to reduce the environmental health risks posed by contaminants in indoor environments. This is achieved by understanding the science of both environmental health risks and effective prevention and control methods. This knowledge then is used to promote appropriate, evidence-based environmental risk reduction activities through voluntary actions by the general public and key stakeholders to improve IAQ.

The EPA is soliciting applications from eligible entities (as described in Section III.A) to conduct demonstration, technical assistance, training, education, and/or outreach projects that seek to reduce exposure to indoor air contaminants by advancing national policy and systems-level initiatives.

Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline

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(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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