Subawards Intake 

The Office of Research Contracts has devised a new and improved intake process to replace the current email-based submission process with Smartsheet. On August 1st, 2023, this will be the required mechanism for submitting new subawards and subaward modifications. Until then you may use either the current email-based submission process or the Subaward Intake Smartsheet (SIS).

Until August 1, 2023, the SIS will include an option to ignore intake if the submission is for testing only, to enable people to try out the new form before it becomes required.


How to Submit a New Subaward Request
  1. Get organized! Once you start entering your Subaward Intake Smartsheet (SIS), the form cannot be saved, only submitted.
  2. Include required attachments. The following documents are required for a new subaward request:

Note: Missing or incomplete documents may delay processing of the new subaward.

  1. Initiate the requisition in UA Financials before submitting your new subaward request. Be prepared to add the eDoc number in your request form. 

Step-by-step instructions for the initiating New Subawards using the Subawards Initiation Smartsheet (SIS) can be found here.

How to Submit a Subaward Modification

  1. Get organized! Once you start entering your Subaward Intake Smartsheet (SIS), the form cannot be saved, only submitted.
  2. Include required attachments. Your modification request determines what attachments you should provide.
  • Do you have a new or revised budget? Attach it.
  • Do you have a new or revised scope of work? Attach it.
  • Are there programmatic changes like a change of PI? Include the Programmatic Details form signed by the PI. 
  1. Do not initiate the Purchase Order Amendment (POA) until the assigned negotiator asks for it. A POA in UAccess Financials will prevent invoice payments from being processed.

Step-by-step instructions for initiating Subaward Modifications using the Subaward Initiation Smartsheet (SIS) can be found here.


Subaward Business Processes

Outgoing subawards cannot be processed until the sponsoring award has been fully processed by Postaward and the account has an Active status. In addition, the subrecipient must be an active vendor in UA Financials to initiate the requisition for the subaward.

Likewise, a subaward modification cannot be processed until any required sponsoring award modifications have been fully processed by Postaward. A subaward's Period of Performance (POP) cannot occur outside the sponsoring award's obligation start and end dates.
