"I have been asked to serve on an advisory board with a non-education organization - no stipend is involved. It is a STEM organization and I am not a STEM expert. Do I need to file a COC?"

If you are an Investigator, this activity should be disclosed for conflict of interest review if it meets the definition of a Significant Personnel Interest.  Significant Personal Interests are any managerial, professional, or Fiduciary Position you (or a Family Member) hold in any outside entity, whether or not you or your family is compensated. This can include officer, director, and board positions.


Fiduciary Position means one's legal and/or ethical obligation to act in the best interests (e.g., the financial and/or operating success) of another person or entity, regardless of whether such role is compensated. Examples of Fiduciary Positions include but are not limited to membership on a board of directors or board of advisors, or a management role in an entity (e.g., as a corporate officer, LLC member, general partner, and governing board member of a professional association).


If this activity meets the definition of an Outside Commitment, it should be disclosed for conflict of commitment review.  The Outside Commitment Decision Tree on our Disclosure Requirements webpage may be of assistance in making this determination.  Individuals can also contact OROI at coi@arizona.edu.