Library of Congress - Of the People: Widening the Path: CCDI – Libraries, Archives and Museums

Library of Congress - Of the People: Widening the Path: CCDI – Libraries, Archives and Museums

No applicants // Limit: 1 // Tickets Available: 1 


The Library of Congress seeks to award a grant to support the creative and wide-ranging use of Library collections and the connective powers of technology to serve Black, Indigenous, Hispanic or Latino, Asian American and Pacific Islander or other racial and ethnic minority populations within the United States in sharing stories about America’s past, present, and future.

Projects funded through this program will use items from across the Library’s digital collections, and may describe, display, and re-mix them, in keeping with copyright and other laws, in whatever ways are most valuable to their own context. For this grant, technology can be used in simple or in complex ways, and successful applicants may develop new technologies or make use of existing platforms, tools, or approaches, such as social media platforms, or multimedia productions. The important factor in a successful project is the connections it enables in communities, and the impact of the project on its creators, users, and audience.

No applicants.

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

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Tucson, AZ 85719

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