New and Early Stage Investigator Policies

New and Early Stage Investigator Policies

In 2009, NIH instituted a new adjunct to the New Investigator policies involving the identification of Early Stage Investigators (ESIs) (see the Section on Early Stage Investigators, below).  ESIs are New Investigators who are within 10 years of completing their terminal research degree or within 10 years of completing their medical residency at the time they apply for R01 grants.In general, a Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) is considered a New Investigator if he/she has not previously competed successfully as PD/PI for a substantial NIH independent research award.

Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
See sponsor website for specific opportunities and deadlines.

Contact RDS 

(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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