How to Engage RDS

On this page:
Contact Us
What We Do
What to Expect

Contact Us

For inquiries regarding externally funded proposals, we invite you to contact an RD Associate directly, or if you are unsure who to contact, send an email to: with the solicitation, or link to the solicitation, and your targeted submission deadline and your request will be directed to the appropriate person.

If you are unsure who to contact, send an email to: with the solicitation, or link to the solicitation, and your targeted submission deadline and your request will be directed to the appropriate person.

For inquiries regarding internal funding, limited submissions, the weekly newsletter  ̶  “The Current”, seminars, workshops, and programs, or for general inquiries, contact:

        Danielle Barefoot, Program Administrator, Internal Grants or (520) 621-8585 

Lidia Macias, Research Development Operations Coordinator or (520) 621-8585 

Elena Rodrigues, RDS Event Assistant

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What We Do

The Research Development (RD) Associates of RDS:

  • Consult with UA faculty and researchers regarding near-, medium-, and long-term funding strategies,
  • Consult with UA faculty and researchers regarding fit with funder and solicitation, and
  • Support UA faculty members and researchers or teams of UA faculty members with the planning and execution of funding proposals ranging from single-investigator to multi-investigator/multi-institution efforts by providing strategic guidance, document review, technical editing, proposal management, and additional services (see What to expect).

In addition, we:

What to Expect

Our services are available to all faculty and research staff. Projects are prioritized by (1) large/complex or multi-institution ("team science") proposals, (2) early-career investigator support, and (3) single-investigator or small-team proposals (particularly for mid-career faculty). Depending on when you contact us, we may be able to provide a number of services from proposal review to small group facilitation to drafting of the Project Management Plan, Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan, Human Subjects or Vertebrate Animal Sections, Individual Development Plans, etc. We suggest that you contact us approximately three months prior to the proposal deadline. For large/complex proposals, earlier notification is appreciated. At a minimum we try to review a project's specific aims or summary page (or equivalent). 

There is no charge for these services. Contact the most relevant Associate to schedule, or send an email to

Contact RDS 

(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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