Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)

Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)

UArizona is ineligible to submit to the 2022 S-STEM program due to an existing award. UArizona Can Submit New S-STEM Proposals in 2023.

Per new guidelines in the 2022 solicitation, UArizona will not be eligible to apply for this program again until 2023 at the earliest. The guidelines note that: Institutions with a current S-STEM award should wait at least until the end of the third year of execution of their current award before submitting a new S-STEM proposal focused on students pursuing the same discipline(s). As UArizona has a current S-STEM, the Pima-UAZ STEM Bridge Program, that encompasses all S-STEM disciplines our earliest opportunity to apply for any discipline will be March 2023. Priority is given to single discipline. 

New institutional restrictions for this program for 2022:

  1. An institution may submit up to two proposals (either as a single institution or as subawardee or a member of an inter-institutional consortia project) for a given S-STEM deadline. Multiple proposals from an institution must not overlap with regard to S-STEM eligible disciplines. See Additional Eligibility Information below for more details (see IV. Eligibility Information).
  2. Institutions with a current S-STEM award should wait at least until the end of the third year of execution of their current award before submitting a new S-STEM proposal focused on students pursuing degrees in the same discipline(s).

The above restrictions do not apply to collaborative planning grant proposals.

Contact RDS with questions

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

Contact RDS 

(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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