NEA 2023NEA01GAP: 2023 Grants for Arts Projects

NEA 2023NEA01GAP: 2023 Grants for Arts Projects

B. James  (Department of Medicine)

UA may submit one proposal.

Through project-based funding, the program supports public engagement with, and access to, various forms of art across the nation, the creation of art, learning in the arts at all stages of life, and the integration of the arts into the fabric of community life. We fund arts projects in the following disciplines: Artist Communities, Arts Education, Dance, Design, Folk & Traditional Arts, Literary Arts, Local Arts Agencies, Media Arts, Museums, Music, Musical Theater, Opera, Presenting & Multidisciplinary Arts, Theater, and Visual Arts.

A project may consist of one or more specific events or activities; it may be a new initiative or part of your organization’s regular season or activities. Organizations that undertake a single short-term program in a year could apply for that event, or they could identify certain components (such as the presentation of a particular artist and the associated activities) as their project. Organizations may apply for any or all phases of a project, from its planning through its implementation. A project should not encompass all of an organization’s activities or costs in a given year.

Additional submission information:

  • An organization may submit only one application under these FY 2024 Grants for Arts Projects guidelines (i.e., one application per calendar year).
  • All Artist Communities and Design applicants must apply at the February 9, 2023, deadline.
  • An organization may not apply to both the Challenge America category and the Grants for Arts Projects category in the same calendar year. UA is not eligible to apply to the Challenge America, due an active award.
  • An organization may apply to other NEA funding opportunities, including Our Town, in addition to Grants for Arts Projects. If you submit applications to other opportunities, each request must be for a distinctly different project or a distinctly different phase of the same project, with a different period of performance and costs.


Exceptions to the one-application rule are made only for:

  • Parent (and Related) Organizations
    A parent organization that comprises separately identifiable and independent components (e.g., a university campus that has a presenting organization and a radio station) may submit an application for each such component. In addition, a parent organization also may submit one application on its own behalf for a project that is different from any project submitted in an application by its independent component(s).

  • Applicants to the Media Arts discipline at the July 6, 2023, deadline
    An organization of any artistic discipline may submit one additional application in the Grants for Arts Projects category through the Media Arts discipline at the July 6, 2023, deadline. The additional application must be for a distinctly different project and must align with certain programmatic requirements described here: Additional Applications in Media Arts.


Areas of particular interest:

  • Elevate artists as integral and essential to a healthy and vibrant society.
  • Celebrate the nation’s creativity and/or cultural heritage.
  • Facilitate cross-sector collaborations that center the arts at the intersection of other disciplines, sectors, and industries.
  • Contribute to healthy and thriving local, regional, state-wide, and national arts ecosystems and arts infrastructures.
  • Invest in organizational capacity-building and leadership development for arts organizations, arts workers, and artists.
  • Build arts organizations’ capacity to serve a broad public through digital or emergent technology and/or support tech-centered creative practices across all artistic disciplines and forms.
  • Originate from or are in collaboration with the following constituencies encouraged by White House Executive Orders:
Research Category
Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

Contact RDS 

(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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