Geneen Charitable Trust: 2024 Awards Program for Coronary Heart Disease Research

Geneen Charitable Trust: 2024 Awards Program for Coronary Heart Disease Research

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 Each invited institution may only submit one application to the program which meets the eligibility requirements for the 2025 Grant Cycle. Applicants must be full-time faculty at an invited non-profit academic, medical, non-governmental or research institutions. United States citizenship is not required. Junior faculty are encouraged to apply. 


 The Harold S. Geneen Charitable Trust Awards Program for Coronary Heart Disease Research supports research in the prevention of coronary heart disease or circulatory failure and improving care for patients with these medical conditions. The program focuses on basic and translational scientific research. Clinical studies are currently ineligible. 

In accordance with Mr. Geneen’s directives, the program seeks to establish “…a more direct and personalized relationship with grant recipients than is normally possible in dealing with the diffuse and bureaucratic administrations through which large organizations are managed…and to support smaller institutions rather than major universities or medical complexes which have a demonstrated capacity to raise funds from the public generally.” Thus, eligible institutions represent mid-size institutions conducting relevant and innovative cardiovascular research. 

Applications examining the intersection of coronary heart disease and/or congestive heart failure and COVID-19 or similar viral illnesses are highly encouraged to apply. 




Each invited institution may submit a single application from a full-time faculty member. United States citizenship is not required. To encourage the support of junior faculty, applicants are ineligible if at the time of application, they have combined federal and non-federal funding totaling $500,000 or more in direct costs during the first year of the Geneen Award. This figure refers to external funding only and not an applicant’s start-up package, other intramural support, or the Geneen Award itself. Applicants may hold a K Award or be in the R00 phase of a K99/R00 as long as those award amounts, combined with other funding, do not exceed these specified limits. 

Pending Federal and Non-Federal Support 

Applicants who have pending R01s or other large applications to the NIH and other agencies are encouraged to submit proposals to the Geneen Trust. Notification of funding after the application date will not impact eligibility for a Geneen Award. However, it is the responsibility of applicants to contact as soon as they are notified of any new funding


Review Criteria 

• The proposed research has the potential to improve the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease or circulatory failure (understanding, prevention/treatment). 

• Hypothesis and Research Aims are clearly stated, based on sound precedents, and supported by relevant literature and preliminary data (if applicable). 

• Objectives that are well thought out, realistic, and technically feasible. 


• Research methodology, data collection, and data analyses are appropriate, thorough, well-specified and appropriate to the proposal’s aims. 

• The research project is of high quality and originality. 

• The timeline and budget align with a scope of work that can be completed within a two-year timeframe. 

• The applicant is qualified and supports the conduct of an innovative and successful research project. The research award would positively impact the development of the applicant’s cardiovascular research program. 


In order for the Harold S. Geneen Charitable Trust (the “Funder”) and Health Resources in Action (the “Administrator”) to carry out our legal responsibilities, we must ask the award recipient (the “Recipient”) and the Recipient’s institution (the “Institution”) as identified in the Application to read and acknowledge this award agreement (the “Agreement”) for Recipient’s proposed project submitted to the Administrator (the “Project”). The Agreement specifies the Recipient’s and Institution’s obligations for the duration of this award as identified above. 

Award Amount and Funding Period: Awards are made according to the stated schedule. Recipients may postpone the start date for up to three (3) months without an approval, but the revised date must be noted either on the signature page of this Agreement or by an email notification to the Administrator. Longer delays must be approved by the Administrator. A delayed start date will not reduce the total award period but will adjust the schedule out to include the entire period. 

Awards are made to non-profit academic, medical, non-governmental or research institutions within the United States on behalf of the Recipients. The Institution is responsible for the administrative and financial management of the Project, including any subcontracts, and maintaining adequate supporting records and receipts of expenditures. 


Funding Type
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

Contact RDS 

(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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