New NIH Data Management and Sharing Requirements Policy Begins Now

2 years 1 month ago

Beginning in January 2023, all National Institutes of Health research grant and contract applicants will be required to submit a data management and sharing plan (DMSP) as part of their application. If awarded, compliance with the approved plan is required. Learn about the new policy and helpful resources for researchers 


NIH’s new data management and sharing policy requires that all grant applications and renewals that produce scientific data include a robust and detailed plan for managing, sharing, and preserving data during the funded period and beyond. 

To comply with the new policy, the DMSP must provide specific information on access policies and procedures to protect the privacy of human participants and for data preservation, metadata standards, and distribution methods. 

New policy applies to:

  • New and competing renewal grant applications submitted to NIH for the Jan. 25, 2023, proposal deadline date and later.  
  • Proposals for contracts submitted to NIH for the Jan. 25, 2023, proposal deadline date and later.  
  • Any other NIH funding agreement executed on or after Jan. 25, 2023.

New policy does not apply to: 

  • Research and other activities that do not generate scientific data, e.g., training, infrastructure development, and non-research activities.

Bookmark these resources and tools: 

Important compliance notes:

  • The submitted DMSP will become a term of condition of the Notice of Award.
  • Compliance during the award period will be determined by the awarding NIH Institute or Center.
  • Failure to comply may result in NIH enforcement action, risk award termination, or impact future funding decisions. 

Contact the University Libraries Data Management team,, for more information or to request a consultation.

New NIH Data Management and Sharing Requirements Coming January 2023

2 years 4 months ago

Beginning January 2023, all National Institutes of Health research grant and contract applicants will be required to submit a data management and sharing plan (DMSP) as part of their application. If awarded, compliance with the approved plan is required. 

NIH’s new policy replaces its old policy entirely and requires that ALL grant applications/renewals that produce scientific data include a much more robust and detailed plan on the management, sharing, and preservation of data during the funded period and beyond. 

To comply with the new policy, investigators will be required to provide specific information on access policies/procedures to protect the privacy of human participants, data preservation, metadata standards and distribution approaches. This information will be required in a DMSP, which is analogous to what other funders refer to as a data management plan.

The new DMS policy applies to:

  • New and competing renewal grant applications submitted to NIH for the Jan. 25, 2023, proposal deadline date and later;  
  • Proposals for contracts submitted to NIH for the Jan. 25, 2023, proposal deadline date and later; and  
  • Any other NIH funding agreement executed on or after Jan. 25, 2023.

The policy does NOT apply to research and other activities that do not generate scientific data, e.g., training, infrastructure development, and non-research activities.

Important compliance notes:

  • The submitted DMSP will become a term of condition of the Notice of Award and compliance during the award period will be determined by the awarding NIH Institute or Center.
  • Failure to comply may result in NIH enforcement action or risk award termination. It also could impact future funding decisions. 

What you can do to prepare for this change:

To draft the plan itself, we recommend the DMPTool (log in with NetID) using the NIH 2023 template. Additional guidance for completing each section of the template will be added to the DMPTool on a rolling basis.  For guidance in writing and operationalizing your plan, view video modules prepared by University Libraries, Research Computing, the Human Subjects Protection Program, and RII.

For more information or to request a consult, email the Library Data Management team. We will provide ongoing updates to assist researchers and research assistants with this transition. 


Important Changes to Data Sharing Requirements are Coming for NIH Grants

2 years 11 months ago

The NIH’s new Data Management and Sharing Policy will go into effect January 2023. This is an entirely new policy that will apply to all NIH-funded projects that generate scientific data. As a PI on a current NIH award (or an active applicant for NIH funding), we want to make you aware of this coming change and encourage you to begin preparing for it. University Libraries and Research, Innovation & Impact are actively developing resources to support you in this endeavor.   

Next steps 

Please review existing resources and preliminary guidance to prepare your current NIH grant(s) and any new proposals for the policy change.  

Under the new NIH policy, researchers are required to include detailed plans on how data will be managed and shared during the entire funded period, including: 

  • Data storage 
  • Access policies and procedures 
  • Preservation 
  • Metadata standards and distribution approaches 

You must submit a Data Management and Sharing Plan to comply with the new policy. Compliance with the submitted DMS plan will become a term of condition during the award funding period.    

More information  

For more information, please review the NIH DMS Policy resource webpage. For questions or to request a consult, email the Library Data Management team. We will provide ongoing updates to assist researchers and research assistants with this transition. 
