The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation Grants
None. The UA may submit one application per review cycle. Contact with an NIGMS Program Officer is required before LOI submission.
The UA may submit one application per college.M. Ramirez - CALS
The UA may submit one proposal (either as a single institution or as subawardee or a member of a Collaborative Research project) from each constituent school or college that awards degrees in an eligible field.Applicants have been selected for the following colleges:Education: R. Deil-AmenEngineering: V. SubbianCALS: G. LopezMedicine: A. Ganchorre
C. FarrarAll grants require at least a 1:1 non-federal match of total grant amount.
M. Witte
UA can submit one applicant per each WiSTEM2D discipline, (Science,Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing, Design)E. Gornish - ScienceL. Bozgeyikli - TechnologyM. Khanna - EngineeringMathManufacturingDesign
M. Muramoto