"While on sabbatical, a foreign university wants to pay my travel and lodging costs (under5K) to work on a co-authored manuscript with a colleague at that university."

If you are an Investigator, this is a Foreign Interest that must be disclosed for conflict of interest review.  Foreign Interests are:


  • Participation in a foreign talent or similar-type program
  • All resources and other support, both domestic and foreign, for ongoing research projects, including those conducted at a different institution
  • In-kind contributions from domestic and foreign institutions or governments that support your research activities
  • Any payment, reimbursement, travel support or other compensation, of any amount, that you personally receive, or will personally receive, from a foreign entity


(If this was a U.S. institution, it would need to be disclosed if you are funded by a PHS agency or the Dept of Energy, even if the value is less than $5,000.)


If your UArizona FTE is 0.50 or greater and this activity meets the definition of an Outside Commitment, it should be disclosed for conflict of commitment review.  The Outside Commitment Decision Tree on our Disclosure Requirementswebpage may be of assistance in making this determination. Individuals can also contact OROI at coi@arizona.edu.


Also, please see: Guidance for Consulting or Employment at Other Postsecondary Institutions.


“It is permissible for members of the faculty on sabbatical leave to supplement their compensation from the university to cover such special expenses resulting from the approved sabbatical leave program, through fellowships, scholarships, employment, or grants-in-aid. Such special expenses referred to might include such items as travel, secretarial assistants, tuition, research, and publication. Additional compensation expected is to be fully explained on the application form and approved before the leave is granted. Should opportunities for supplemental compensation develop after the sabbatical leave has begun or after the application form has been submitted and approved, such opportunities must be cleared with the university at the earliest opportunity.”  See ABOR 6-207(F).

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