XPRIZE Rapid Covid Testing

XPRIZE Rapid Covid Testing is a $5 million dollar, 6-month competition to develop faster, cheaper, and easier to use COVID-19 testing methods at scale. No more guessing. No more lack of tests. The world needs more high-quality, affordable testing to safely re-open.


Testing for Impact

Access to COVID-19 testing is not equal, and it needs to be. Many communities across the world have limited to no access to regular testing. XPRIZE imagines a future where anyone, anywhere can receive a COVID-19 test and get results within hours. The goal of XPRIZE Rapid Covid Testing is to develop innovative, scalable COVID-19 testing solutions that will radically change the world by providing much needed insights to help society safely reopen – and not in some distant future, but right now.


The Challenge

In order to properly reopen schools, businesses, and other vital institutions around the world, the world needs COVID-19 testing options that are fast, affordable, and easy to implement. While current solutions are playing an important role in broader mitigation strategies, they are not designed for frequent usage. XPRIZE Rapid Covid Testing will organize the best entrepreneurial and scientific teams under one objective, ultimately resulting in getting the world up and running again.


How to Win

The winning teams will develop COVID-19 tests that are radically affordable compared to what’s currently available on the market. For about the price of a latte, the tests will be equal to (or better than) commercial offerings at measuring sensitivity, specificity, and limit of detection, with a maximum turnaround time of 12-hours from sample to result. The winning teams will also be able to successfully deploy and conduct a minimum of 500 tests per week at a live testing site within 60 days, and have the potential to scale their solutions to thousands of tests per week.


How to Register

XPRIZE teams come from all around the world, in every shape and size. Teams can be comprised of university groups, high school students, startups and innovators, small to midsize companies, families, or individuals. Because of the complex technical nature of this competition, along with its rapid timeline, XPRIZE expects most entrants will already be working on solutions. However, XPRIZE encourages any and all interested parties to apply. Registering to create or join a team is the first step you can take to creating a better future for all.




August 31, 2020

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