NOT-EB-20-006: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Small Business Research and Development of Biomedical Technologies for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) is issuing this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) to highlight the urgent need for accelerating the development, translation, and commercialization of technologies to address Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The NIBIB is seeking applications to develop life-saving technologies that can be ready for commercialization within one to two years. Example technologies include, but are not limited to:

  • Rapid point-of-care and home-based testing/diagnostics
  • Wearable, implantable, and remote sensors/imagers for physiological monitoring
  • Medical imaging technologies and algorithms/artificial intelligence (AI) for rapid detection, diagnosis, and monitoring of lung infection
  • Non-contact sensing and imaging for rapid mass screening and vital sign assessment
  • Digital health platforms and models that integrate data, assess risk, and provide illness surveillance and management tools
  • Technologies (including simulation platforms) for training healthcare workers and optimizing clinical workflows
  • Robotic and automation technologies to limit caregivers’ exposure and/or reduce burden on the healthcare system
  • Technologies for protecting healthcare workers, first responders, and caregivers
  • Oxygenation systems (e.g. ECMO, ventilators, intubation) and components designed for rapid deployment, access, and potential operation by minimally trained personnel
  • High-confidence disinfection technologies
  • Novel therapeutic strategies using engineered biological systems, including cell-based and synthetic biology technologies.
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