

RDI Funding Opportunities
Arts, Humanities and Social Behavioral Sciences

Medicine, Science, Engineering
Provost's Office
Tech Launch Arizona

RDI Funding Opportunities

Research, Discovery & Innovation provides a number of grant opportunities for all levels of staged research development. Research Advancement Grants funding is intended to provide a pathway to success for interdisciplinary research—from one-time support to jump start worthwhile projects, to the generation and nurturing of new ideas, to creating new interdisciplinary teams by broadening partnerships, expanding current efforts into larger transdisciplinary projects and teams, and augmenting scientific capacity with the acquisition of equipment to accelerate project competitiveness prior to proposal submission. See all of the opportunities by clicking here

Arts, Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences

Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry - Faculty Collaboration Grant
The Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry supports interdisciplinary and collaborative projects designed by faculty from the Colleges of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Behavioral Sciences. The grants are intended to foster innovation; support collaborative work that crosses disciplinary boundaries; enable faculty to apply for subsequent external funding; and increase the impact and visibility of research, scholarship and creative activity at the University of Arizona.

Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry - Director's Fund for Excellence
The Confluencenter's Director's Fund for Excellence awards are intended to provide critical support for short-term collaborative projects, especially those that reflect an interdisciplinary orientation or a commitment to public outreach.

Faculty Small Grants
The Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Institute Faculty Small Grants provide seed money of up to $2,000 to develop larger projects, especially those leading to proposals to external funding agencies. These grants may also be used for full-scale but inexpensive projects or parts of projects.

Leveraging Grants
Offered through the Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Institute, these $1,000-maximum grants are intended to help prospective PIs develop opportunities that have a clear return on SBS's investment.

Research Professorships
The Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Institute funds regular Research Professorship every semester. Each Research Professorship includes release from one course to conduct research on worthy projects in the social and/or behavioral sciences.

Medicine, Science, Engineering

Aaronson Lectureship
The Aaronson Lectureship and cash prize are awarded every eighteen months to an individual or group who, by his or her passion for research and dedication to excellence, has produced a body of work in observational astronomy which has resulted in a significant deepening of our understanding of the universe. Any living scientist is eligible for this award without consideration of race, sex, or nationality.

American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant (ACS-IRG)
These funds are intended to provide seed money to new investigators to help them start their research programs and to obtain preliminary data in support of more extensive proposals. Only applications that relate to cancer research will be accepted. However, cancer-related research will be interpreted using the broadest definition.

Cancer Center Support Grant
Funding is available from The University of Arizona Cancer Center Support Grant for collaborative translational research pilot projects. Projects that may lead to an investigator-initiated trial or that propose correlative biomarker studies of prospective or of completed targeted cancer therapy clinical trials in support of more extensive proposals are of particular interest. Projects that address the basic science of a clinically relevant problem are also encouraged.

UA Health Sciences
The Office of the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences (SVPHS) at The University of Arizona (UA) established a UA Health Sciences (UAHS) Career Development Award training program following KL2 guidelines (UAHS-CDA) to provide research training and funding opportunities for junior faculty members at UA to foster an academic career in clinical and translational research. The UAHS-CDA scholars will receive salary support of $75,000 per year for two years or funds to cover ~75% assigned effort of the current total base salary, plus fringe benefits.

Provost's Office

Provost's Author Support Fund
The Provost's Author Support Fund is available to faculty or academic professionals whose workload description includes the expectation of research and publication, and who hold appointments in units reporting directly or indirectly to the Provost.

Tech Launch Arizona

Asset Demonstration Program
Tech Launch Arizona's Asset Demonstration Program funding helps advance inventions that aren't ready to attract licenses or investors. 

Contact RDS


(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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