Content Editing Overview

This guide provides detailed instructions for content editing features that are unique to this website, which was built using Quickstart, the university's branded and accessible website framework. 

This guide is a work in progress. Please fill out a web support request if you or your team require training or if you have suggestions for additions we could make to this guide to make the content editing experience easier.

The Create Content section of has guidance for the features that are part of every Quickstart website, including this one.

Files can only be added via the text editor. Options that include the text editor:

  • Text
  • Accordion
  • Cards
  • Split Screen
  • Text with Background
  • Text on Media


  1. Use the Media Embed option from the toolbar:
  2. Select Document from the file types
  3. Find your document in the library or upload a new one.

Every time you make a change to a page, a new revision is created. This creates a safety net should you make a mistake e.g. deleting an important content section.

Adding a Revision Log Message


screenshot showing where to add a revision log message to your page

Reverting back to a previous revision

Click the revisions tab at the top of the page. Here you will see rows of revisions with the newest on the top. You'll see a timestamp for when the changes were made, the netID of the person who made the changes, and any revision messages that were added. Now you can see how the revision messages can help you determine which version you want to revert to. However, you can also see what the revision looks like by clicking on the timestamp. (please note: when previewing a previous revision, your sidebar navigation will not appear, and therefore the layout might look distorted.)

screenshot of revisions UI

Creating a draft

Create a draft version of your page that you can continue to work on later, without disrupting the published version, by changing the Current State to Draft:

screenshot demonstrating how to change a page to draft state

Improved, targeted menu editing functionality

We've made adding to and editing your menus easier by breaking our navigation structure into smaller sections that only you and your team members will be able to access.


1. We're going to create a new page

We're going to create a new page for the Responsible Conduct of Research section. I am logged in as a member of that team.

If you are assigning or re-assigning a menu location for a page that already exists on the website, skip to step 9.

We're going to create a new page


2. Click "Add content"

Click 'Add content'


3. Select the Page content type

and choosing Page


4. Type in your new page title

Type in your newHere is our sample title


5. Select your publication state

Select your publication state

We're going to publish our example page so we can see it right away in the navigation menu. But you can leave yours in draft state and still assign it a place in your menu.

We're going to publish our example page so we can see it right away in the navigation menu. But you can leave yours in draft state and still assign it a place in your menu.


6. Here's where we give our page its url

Here's where we give our page its url


7. Uncheck URL Alias box

We're unchecking the box to generate an automatic url alias so that we can assign it a path that matches our navigation hierarchy.

Uncheck this box

making the editable url field appear

to make the editable url field appearClick 'URL alias'


8. Type in the url path for your new page

I've already copied the parent path to my clipboard, meaning everything after "dot E D U." I'm pasting it here, making sure to start the path with a forward slash, then typing in the title of my subpage with hyphens between the words.

I've already copied the parent path to my clipboard. I'm pasting it here, making sure to start the path with a forward slash, then typing in the title of my subpage.


9. Click to expand the Menu settings panel

Now we want to assign it a place in the navigation menu. Click to expand the Menu settings panel.

Click to expand this panel


10. Check the "Provide menu link" box

Check this box


11. to make the editable fields appear

to make the editable fields appear


12. Here, you should only see the menus for the website sections you are responsible for maintaining.

Here's where we'll see the new improvements to the menu editing experience. You will only see the menu or menus pertaining to the site sections you are responsible for maintaining.

Here, you should only see the menus for the website sections you are responsible for maintaining.


13. Select the parent link for your new page


14. Select the parent link for your new page

Select the parent link for your new page


15. And finally, save your new page

...and click save


16. Confirm the menu location of your new page

And here is our new page, located in the Responsible Conduct of Research program menu, under our parent link.

The menu location of our new page

This guide covered detailed steps to add a new page to the research website navigation structure.

Known issues

We are aware of the following issues and actively working on solutions. We appreciate your patience, and encourage you to report to us any issues you don't see listed here. 

We have assigned roles based on content editors' primary unit of affiliation, which limits your access only to specific and relevant sections of the navigation. This was done in order make it easier to assign links to the menu and rearrange menu items. 

However, if you edit and save a page outside of your assigned area, the menu link will be moved to the top of your own menu. 

e.g. You are a content editor for RDS, but are tasked with making a change to a page in the administration section. After making changes to the content without attempting to change the menu link, you save the page and the menu link disappears from the Administration navigation and appears on the top of the RDS sidebar navigation.

If you believe you should have access to more than one section of the navigation, please contact us and we can expand your access accordingly.

If you don't think you need access to the entire menu section, please contact the web team and we can move the menu item back to its proper location for you.

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