National Science Foundation (NSF)

2020 NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) Research Partnerships track

UA may submit one proposal under the Research Partnerships track. There is no institutional limitation on the Technology Translation track; however, we encourage you to contact Kaushik Balakrishnan, Ph.D., for industry engagement and proposal development support. Contact RDS if you are interested in applying to the Technology Translation track.Partnerships: R. Norwood

Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

Mid-Scale Innovations Program in Astronomical Sciences (MSIP)

UA may submit three preliminary proposals as the lead institution. Full proposals are to be submitted only when invited by NSF.D. MarroneD. ApaiB. Heidorn

Internal Deadline
External Deadline
12/19/2019 (required preliminary)05/20/2020 (full proposal)
Solicitation Type

2020 NSF (MRI) Major Research Instrumentation Program

UA may submit three total proposals, with no more than two submissions in Track 1 and no more than one submission in Track 2. Cost-sharing of precisely 30% of the total project cost is required.Track 1:N. HortonE. TomatTrack 2:C.K. Chan

Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

2020 NSF (S-STEM) Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

3/19/20 Update: The external deadline has been extended until 4/22/20. UA may submit one proposal -- either as a single institution or as subawardee or a member of a Collaborative Research project -- from each constituent school or college that awards degrees in an eligible field. (Note: UA is ineligible to apply for Track 1: Institutional Capacity Building).Science: J. SchroederEngineering: V. SubbianMedicine: A. Ganchorre

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
04/22/2020 (Extended)
Solicitation Type

NSF ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions

UA may submit one proposal for a partnership grant. UA is not eligible for an IT, adaptation, or catalyst grant because of previous funding for an ADVANCE grant.Partnership: K. Melde

Research Category
Internal Deadline
External Deadline
Solicitation Type

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