The Nancy Weiss Malkiel Scholars Award

Eligible applicants are assistant professors in a tenure-track appointment having successfully passed the standard third-year review by January of the year following application to the program. $17,500 stipend, $10,000 to be used for summer research support and $7,500 for research assistance during the academic year. Preference is given to those addressing topics related to 20th and 21st century American history, politics, culture, and society, with emphasis including but not limited to African American issues, women's issues, and/or higher education.

External Deadline
Internal Deadline
Dec. 1, 2017

Beckman Young Investigator Program

Open to those within the first three years of a tenure-track position, or an equivalent independent research appointment, in an academic or non-profit institution that conducts research in the chemical and life sciences. No individual may apply for an award more than two times.

External Deadline
08/17/2018 (anticipated) LOI Portal will open June, 2018
Internal Deadline
Aug. 17, 2018