How will the reviewers avoid Conflicts of Interest or confidentiality concerns?

The information contained in a limited submission pre-proposal and the associated supplemental documents is considered highly confidential and all efforts will be made to ensure the fair, objective, and confidential review of each pre-proposal.  Review panel members are required to sign a conflict of interest statement prior to pre-proposal review and to adhere to strict guidelines to ensure confidentiality of the content of all limited submissions applications.

I submitted my pre-proposal for a Limited Submission. When can I expect to hear if I may proceed with my full proposal to the sponsor?

RDS makes every effort to have pre-proposals reviewed in a timely manner, usually within two weeks of the internal deadline. Our goal is to maximize the external proposal preparation time for selected researchers to submit to the sponsor for funding.

Is there a possibility of collaboration between PIs whose pre-application(s) were selected to receive the ticket and those whose pre-application was not selected?

RDS publishes the name of the PI selected for each Limited Submission opportunity on the Limited Submission Table on the Research Gateway. RDS seeks to coordinate Limited Submissions for the university to facilitate the best proposal submission from an institutional perspective and encourages communication between all interested applicants to a limited submission opportunity. That said, the choice to collaborate is at the discretion of the PI/Team that receives the ticket to proceed.

I’m traveling/teaching/sick/without internet access/waiting on a collaborator/waiting on a letter of support/in a different time zone/under a lot of stress: can I have an extension to apply?

No. Deadlines for Limited Submission internal competitions are treated the same as funding deadlines for Federal agency sponsors, Foundations or other external funding sources. These opportunities are advertised widely and well in advance of the application deadlines. To maintain fairness for all, the deadline is firm and consistent for all applicants without exception.

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