Udall Center Fellows Program


1 a.m., April 30 to May 30, 2021

The Udall Center has partnered with the UArizona College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, the BIO5 Institute, and Research, Innovation and Impact (RII) to offer three specialized tracks for research involving a public policy dimension. The program offers a semester off from normal teaching, thus allowing for creative scholarship and pursuit of funds.

  • Social and Behavioral Sciences - For faculty from the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) for research in any aspect of public policy related to social or behavioral sciences. Research topics may span the range of public policy and need not relate to Udall Center activities.
  • Bio5 Translational Biosciences - For research on topics within the BIO5/Translational Bioscience strategic areas with appropriate public-policy inquiry concerning such realms as ethics, financing, legislation, governance, public dialogue, and other germane subjects. Expand your scientific team to include a policy dimension — or apply your policy expertise to a scientific project.
  • Any other Policy-related Research - For other research interests relating to public policy. Topics may span the range of public policy and need not relate to Udall Center activities.


visit the UDall fellows website 



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