Research, Innovation & Impact is pleased to announce the next virtual Research Support Services Orientation. This program will introduce you to the centralized resources and infrastructure available to support and grow your research programs.
While the orientation is specifically designed for research personnel who are new to the University, all members of the research community are welcome to participate, including faculty, postdocs, and administrative support staff.
The orientation will be held via Zoom over two days, Sept. 10 and 17, from 1-3:00 p.m. See the full orientation
agenda in the digital resources notebook. Units making presentations include:
Research Development Services
Tech Launch Arizona
Sponsored Projects Services
Office of Research Contracts
Procurement and Contracting Services
Research Cores and Institutes
Research Compliance Services
Human Resources
If you are unable to attend the September orientation, we will offer it again in February 2025.
For questions about access or to request any disability-related accommodations that will facilitate your full participation in this event, please contact the RII Training & Education
Team at Research-Training@arizona.edu