F&A Rate Category:

Select the appropriate rate category from the drop-down list in the UAccess Research (UAR) proposal. Visit the Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Rates page of the Research Support website and view the F&A rate table for additional guidance.

For further questions, please contact sponsor@arizona.edu(link sends e-mail).

Rate Categories:

  • Federal negotiated rate: It is the University of Arizona’s policy to request the appropriate federally negotiated F&A rate for all sponsored activity regardless of funding source, the federally negotiated F&A rate will be the basis for budget purposes on all sponsored activity. When funding flows from a federal prime sponsor to the University of Arizona, through a pass-through entity, as in the case of federal flow-through awards, the University will accept stipulations that meet the requirements of Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200.414
  • Sponsor F&A rate stipulation: If a sponsoring agency limits or forbids the reimbursement of F&A based on federal/state/local law, administrative regulation, or published sponsor policy, exceptions for Federal Flow through or Stipulated F&A Rates apply. Documentation for a stipulated rate must be included with the proposal. To document a stipulated rate, attach a copy of the law, regulation or published policy stating the limitation on F&A reimbursement under the Attachments section of the UAccess Resarch proposal document as attachment type "F&A Stipulation".
  • Other standard UA F&A rate: Other standard UA F&A rates are described in the standard F&A rate table on the Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Rates page.
  • F&A waiver (rarely approved, attach waiver request template): The decision to grant or deny a waiver request is at the sole discretion of UArizona Research Innovation, & Impact (RII) but is in concurrence with the approval from the representative Department Head, and Dean or Associate Dean for Research. These offices will work with RII to review and obtain the approval in advance of a UAR application or contract. All requests must use the F&A Waiver Request Template with the Department Head and Dean or Associate Dean for Research approval and must be submitted with a UAR proposal no less than five working days in advance of the deadline. Attach the Template in the UAR proposal Attachments section as attachment type "F&A Waiver Request Template."
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