(COvid-19 unMet MedIcal needs and associated research exTension)

In an effort to further address the unmet medical need in COVID-19, Gilead Medical Affairs is launching the COMMIT program. The COMMIT program will support well defined individual projects of no more than $250,000 USD or equivalent sum; projects that are more than $250,000 will require approval by Gilead prior to submission.

Successful projects should demonstrate clear objectives, defined timelines, a comprehensive operational plan, and propose data that has relevance to the medical community. Note: these projects will not have objectives/endpoints that overlap with studies that are known to be currently underway as of the day of the approval of the proposal, including those studies that are sponsored by either Gilead and/or third parties.

Gilead will not consider proposals that request COVID-19 screening costs (including test kits) or proposals that requests remdesivir or other study drug.

Gilead will consider support for research proposals that meet one of the following criteria:

  • Expand data on clinical course and outcome in vulnerable populations:
    • Immune suppressed, specifically- HIV, cancer chronic inflammatory conditions (i.e., RA or IBD), and chronic liver disease, pre-existing pulmonary disease
    • Residents of long-term care facilities/nursing homes, and older adults
    • At risk for healthcare disparities (e.g.  Black/African American, socio-economic class)
  • Long-term sequelae (i.e., pulmonary fibrosis, neurologic, cardiac, quality of life)
  • Real world safety and effectiveness of remdesivir used alone or with other agents (JAK inhibitors, IL-6 inhibitors, convalescent plasma and ACE inhibitors and ARBs):
    • Viral kinetics and clinical outcomes
    • Based on duration of treatment (e.g., 5 vs 10 days, shorter courses)
    • Use in early (non-severe) disease
    • Course completion in alternative (non-inpatient setting) or alternative treatment pathways
Aug 3, 2020

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(520) 621-8585 
1618 E. Helen St
Tucson, AZ 85719

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