Gornish Elise, College of Agric and Life Sci, Exploring the use of silicon for herbivory protection in aridland restoration plants
Sutphin George, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Mechanisms mediating health benefits of dietary cholesterol
Roman Palacios Cristian, School of Information, Macroevolution Of Lifespans Across Animals
Park Arum, Religious Studies and Classics, Exploring the Intersection of Classics and Asia
Sladojevic Nikola, College of Medicine - Tucson, The Critical Role of RGS5 in Endothelial Disfunction and Coronary Artery Disease
Zhao Ningning, Nutritional Sci Wellness - RES, ZIP8's function in alveolar epithelial cells
Wohlgemuth Melville, Neuroscience, Sensing and action across time and space
Langlais Paul, Medicine, Screening Candidate Proteins for a Role in Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Uptake
Schuler Paul, College of Social & Behav Sci, In the Eyes of the Founder: Explaining the Rise and Political Impacts of National Founder Leaders in East Asia
Craig Zelieann, Animal&Biomedical Sciences-Res, Lipidomic profiling of serum and livers from female mice exposed to human relevant phthalate exposures
Ying-hui Chou, Science, Psychology, Exploring the Role of Gut Microbiome in Mild Cognitive Impairment
Florian Goeltl, Engineering, Biosystems Engineering, Understanding photocatalytic CO2 hydrogenation over Ni nanoclusters via electronic structure calculations.
Elise Gornish, Agriculture and Life Sciences, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, Effects of the bioherbicide radicinin on buffelgrass allelopathy
Qing Hao, Engineering, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Understanding the Water Behavior at the Nanoscale
Afrooz Jalilzadeh, Engineering, Systems and Industrial Engineering, Mitigating Adversarial Attacks Using Generalized Nash Equilibrium
Jeehey Kim, Fine Arts, Art History, Photography and Death: A History of Funerary Photo-Portraiture in East Asia
Anita Koshy, College of Medicine-Tucson, Neurology, Developing single cell RNA-seq for the inflamed brain
Elaine Norton, Agriculture and Life Sciences, Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences, Prevalence and impact of equine metabolic syndrome in broodmares
Kirssa Ryckman, Social and Behavioral Science, School of Government and Public Policy, Civilian Preferences in Times of War: The Goals of War-Related Protests
Kuok Ho Daniel Tang, Agriculture and Life Sciences, Environmental Science, Bioaugmentation of Hyper thermophilic Sludge Composting for Microplastics Removal
Rocio Zapata Bustos, College of Medicine-Tucson, Medicine, Effect of Electrical Pulse Stimulation on GLUT4 translocation and transcription factor expression in L6 myotubes
Chi Zhou, Agriculture and Life Sciences, Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences, Effect of Placental Inefficiency Induced Fetal Growth Restriction on Fetal Endothelial-Immune Cell Interaction
Pascale Charest, Science, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Uncovering new effectors of eukaryotic chemotaxis
Won Hee Lee, College of Medicine-Phoenix, Basic Medical Sciences, The role of the integrated stress response activation in ponatinib-induced cardiotoxicity
Qing Hao, Engineering, Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Beating the Planck’s Blackbody Radiation Law: Pursing Record-High Thermal Radiation between Nanostructured Surfaces
Dawn Coletta, College of Medicine-Tucson, Medicine, Effects of exercise and sildenafil in insulin-resistant C2C12 muscle cells
Ravi Goyal, Agriculture and Life Sciences, Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences, Role of lincRNA in Obesity
Lei Wang, Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Targeting stress granules for lung cancer therapeutic development
Jia Hu, Agriculture and Life Sciences, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, Quantifying intra- and inter-annual patterns of carbon accumulation in semi-arid forests during the 21st Century Megadrought
Michael Barker, Science, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Evolution of extreme chromosome number reduction in Xanthisma gracile (Asteraceae) in Southern Arizona
Samuel Campos, College of Medicine-Tucson, Immunobiology, Mechanisms of Metaphase-Specific Mitotic Chromatin Binding by the Papillomavirus L2 Protein
Johanna, Skibsrud, Social and Behavioral Sciences, English, The Poetic Imperative: A Study in Practice
Yuzuru Takashima, James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences, Optical Sciences, Turning window glasses into transparent displays
Matthew Dodson, Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Toxicology, The hexosamine biosynthesis pathway as a key driver of arsenic-promoted type II diabetes
Qing Hao, Engineering, Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Beating the Planck’s Blackbody Radiation Law: Pursing Record-High Thermal Radiation between Nanostructured Surfaces
Dawn Coletta, College of Medicine-Tucson, Medicine, Effects of exercise and sildenafil in insulin-resistant C2C12 muscle cells
Ravi Goyal, Agriculture & Life Sciences, Animal & Comparative Biomedical Science, Role of lincRNA in Obesity
Lei Wang, Pharmacy, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Targeting stress granules for lung cancer therapeutic development
Jia Hu, Agriculture & Life Sciences, School of Natural Resources & the Environment, Quantifying intra- and inter-annual patterns of carbon accumulation in semi-arid forests during the 21st Century Megadrought
Michael Barker, Science, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Evolution of extreme chromosome number reduction in Xanthisma gracile (Asteraceae) in Southern Arizona
Samuel Campos, College of Medicine-Tucson, Immunobiology, Mechanisms of Metaphase-Specific Mitotic Chromatin Binding by the Papillomavirus L2 Protein
Johanna Skibsrud, Social & Behavioral Sciences, English, The Poetic Imperative: A Study in Practice
Yuzuru Takashima, James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences, Optical Sciences, Turning window glasses into transparent displays
Matthew Dodson, Pharmacy, Pharmacology & Toxicology, The hexosamine biosynthesis pathway as a key driver of arsenic-promoted type II diabetes
Jennifer Andrews, College of Medicine-Tucson, Pediatrics, Transitioning adolescents with special health care needs
Albert Barberán, Agriculture & Life Sciences, Environmental Science, Testing the effects of seed pellets to improve soil health in rangelands
Jessica Braithwaite, Social & Behavioral Sciences, School of Government & Public Policy, Understanding Non-State Conflicts
Vanessa Huxter, Science, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Optical Strategies to Increase the Efficiency of Photocatalysis for a Green, Resilient Future
Lindsay Kohler, Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, Health Promotion Sciences, Assessing Diabetes Prevention Program Participation, Knowledge, and Interest in El Banco por Salud
Tai Kong, Science, Physics, Imaging one dimensional nanotubes
Daniel Menchik, Social & Behavioral Sciences, Sociology, The Social Context of Medical Innovations: Patterns in Adoption and Use of Surgical Robotics from a Comparative and Transnational Perspective
Laura Meredith, Agriculture & Life Sciences, School of Natural Resources & the Environment, Assessing the direct effects of extended periods of drought on soil microbial diversity and community composition
William Smith, Agriculture & Life Sciences, School of Natural Resources & the Environment, Addressing substantial unknowns in our understanding of hot-drought extremes and their impact on ecosystem function
Mahmoud Azaz, Social & Behavioral Sciences, Middle Eastern & North African Studies, Instructed second language acquisition of agreement asymmetries in Arabic
Stefano Bloch, Social & Behavioral Sciences, School of Geography, Development & Environment, Parsing Policing Data
Ying-hui Chou, Science, Psychology, Using TMS to Detect Deficits of Cholinergic System in the Aging-MCI-AD Continuum
Joao Carvalho de Souza, College of Medicine-Tucson, Anesthesiology, Restoring Photosensitivity in Retinas Using Gold-Nanoparticles-assisted optocapacitance
Anita Huizar Hernández, Humanities, Spanish & Portuguese, Decolonizing The Narrative of Cabeza de Vaca
Leah Kapa, Science, Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences, Effects of Martial Arts Intervention on Executive Function among At-risk Youth
Minkyu Kim, Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, Determining Design Parameters for Novel Antimicrobial Biomaterials
Vicky Lai, Science, Psychology, Learning science concepts with metaphor and augmented intelligence
Sol Lim, Engineering, Systems & Industrial Engineering, YoLoV (Yoga for Low Vision): Wearable Sensor-based Virtual Yoga Learning System for People with Low Vision
Xiaoxiao Sun, Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Automatic Quantification of Bone Marrow Lesions From Knee Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Data
Marc Verhougstraete, Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, Community, Environment, & Policy, Implications of mixed exposures to arsenic and H. pylori
Ningning Zhao, Agriculture & Life Sciences, Nutritional Sciences, ZIP14 and manganese metabolism