Research Development Services is hosting an informational webinar about the NSF Regional Innovation Engines solicitation, which will include an overview of the opportunity, a discussion on the internal coordination process, and short introductions to some of the regional innovation partners available for proposing teams. Join Research Development and a panel consisting of Tech Launch Arizona, Tech Parks Arizona, Arizona FORGE, CyVerse, and Government & Community Relations.
Zoom Webinar Registration
This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is the first funding opportunity for the NSF Regional Innovation Engines (NSF Engines) program, a bold new initiative of the National Science Foundation that will create regional-scale innovation ecosystems throughout the United States. Funding for this program will prioritize regions across the Nation without well-established innovation ecosystems. Engines in regions of the country where prospective ecosystem members exist, but where innovation activities are only loosely connected, are of particular interest. Due to the complexity and scope of this program, RII is Institutionally Coordinating the submission of Concept Outlines to NSF. The internal pre-proposal will include an abstract due at the end of May, followed by a pitch session to RII leadership in early June. Additional details for the internal competition are available on UA Competition Space. Contact RDS with questions.