Equipment Enhancement Fund

Equipment Enhancement Fund


  • Belmecheri Soumaya, Science, Laboratory of Tree Ring Research, Launching new UArizona capacity for high-resolution bioenvironmental research and training
  • Craig Stuart, Engineering, Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Aero-optical measurement system for the hypersonic wind tunnel complex


  • Craig Aspinwall, Science, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Acquisition of a dual modality scanning probe microscope
  • Patrick Bunn, Science, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, Cluster Expansion for the University of Arizona’s Weather and Power Forecasting
  • Jon Chorover, Agriculture and Life Sciences, Environmental Science, Acquisition of a high-throughput tandem mass spectrometer for high demand PFAS analyses
  • Goggy Davidowitz, Agriculture and Life Sciences, Entomology, Improvements to passive solar dryer to repurpose food waste
  • Ivan Djordjevic, Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Quantum Networking and Sensing Testbed
  • Nancy Horton, Science, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Acquisition of a Mass Photometer for Native Molecular Weight Determination of Macromolecules
  • Dante Lauretta, Science, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, Acquisition of Probe for EPMA and Probe Image Software for the CAMECA SX100 Electron Microprobe in the Kuiper Imaging Facility
  • Oliver Monti, Science, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Depth Profiling for Chemical Analysis of Buried Interfaces and Stratified Samples for Defense, Health and Energy Sciences
  • Helena Morrison, Nursing, Biobehavioral Health Sciences Division, Advanced widefield fluorescence microscope with high-speed scanning and confocal-like image capture capabilities
  • Pratik Satam, Engineering, Systems and Industrial Engineering, Future Factory: a cyber-physical testbed environment to address research challenges and workforce development gaps posed by the fourth industrial revolution (4IR)
  • Andrew Wessman, Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, E-Beam Evaporator System for Nano Fabrication Center
  • Amanda Wilson, Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, Community, Environment & Policy, The Invisible is Visible: GRIMM Aerosol Think Equipment for Indoor and Outdoor Monitoring Applications
  • Russell Witte, College of Medicine-Tucson, Medical Imaging, Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Contrast Imaging: HFUS Core Facility Upgrade


  • Christopher Banek, College of Medicine-Tucson, Physiology, High-Throughput Mulvany Wire Myography System to Measure Vascular Function Ex Vivo
  • Michael Brown, Science, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Sample Accessory Upgrade for Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis in the W.M. Keck Center for Nano-Scale Analysis
  • Bryan Carter, Humanities, Africana Studies, Enhancing Volumetric Capture Capability
  • Christopher Castro, Science, Hydrology & Atmospheric Sciences, Using GPS to infer impacts on weather extremes, water mobility, and carbon cycling in semi-arid to arid environments
  • Amelia Gallitano, College of Medicine-Phoenix, Basic Medical Sciences, Essential Equipment to Advance Neuropsychiatric Research
  • Pierre Haenecour, Science, Lunar & Planetary Laboratory, Acquisition of an Environmental Low-voltage Tabletop Secondary Electron Microscope
  • Nancy Horton, Science, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Augmenting Research Capability in the Molecular and Cellular Biology Department
  • Elizabeth Hutchinson, Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Specialized MRI coils to enhance mouse imaging in the TBIR 7T pre-clinical MRI core
  • Oliver Monti, Science, Chemistry & Biochemistry, High Frequency and Precision Electronics Work Station for Electronics Shop
  • Jeffrey Pyun, Science, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Acquisition of a High Throughput Size Exclusion Chromatography Instrument (SEC) for Molecular Weight Characterization of Advanced Polymeric Materials
  • Erin Ratcliff, Engineering, Chemical & Environmental Engineering, Multimodal mapping of opto-electronic and biological materials for energy and defense at the micron scale
  • Scott Saleska, Science, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, A “Local” Remote Sensing capability to enhance the science of Landscape Terraformation at UArizona’s Landscape Evolution Observatory (LEO) at Biosphere 2
  • Travis Sawyer, Optical Sciences, Optical Sciences, Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography for tissue analysis and material assessment.
  • Mohammed Shafae, Engineering, Systems & Industrial Engineering, Advanced Sensing and Monitoring System for Metal Additive Manufacturing
  • Tyson Swetnam, Agriculture & Life Sciences, BIO5, MILaGRO: Multi-instance Learning and GPU Resources Online
  • Thomas Tomasiak, Science, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Acquisition of shared scintillation counting instrumentation for high-throughput protein characterization and drug discovery


  • Maria Altbach, College of Medicine-Tucson, Medical Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Elastography Equipment for Quantitative Assessment of Tissue Stiffness in Humans
  • Greg Book, RII, Atomic Layer Deposition
  • Nathan Cherrington, Pharmacy, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Proteomics Upgrade of the Exploris 480
  • Jon Chorover, Agriculture & Life Sciences, Environmental Science, Acquisition of a Total Organic Fluorine Analyzer for UA Researchers
  • Ying-hui Chou, Science, Psychology, Request for MRI-Compatible Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) System: Development of a Novel Concurrent TMS-fMRI Method to Reveal Real-Time TMS-Induced Brain Activities
  • Barbara Fransway, RII, Genetics Core Equipment Upgrade and Novel Instrumentation
  • Christopher Frost, RII, BIO5, A Shared Agilent Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer to Enable Plant Metabolomics for Ecological, Agricultural, and Biomedical Advances
  • Pierre Haenecour, Science, Lunar & Planetary Laboratory, Acquisition of a BSE Detector and In-situ Heating Holder for the Hitachi 4800 SEM in the Kuiper Imaging Facility
  • Elizabeth Hutchinson, Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Receiver and coil upgrade from 4 to 8 channels for the TBIR 7T pre-clinical MRI core
  • Michael Marty, Science, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Replacing the Autoclave in the Chemical Sciences Building
  • Helena Morrison, Nursing, Biobehavioral Health Sciences, Imaging Core Marley: Maintaining a State-of-the-art facility
  • Ghassan Mouneimne, College of Medicine-Tucson, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, NIKON Super-resolution Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscope (STORM)
  • Thaddeus Pace, Nursing, Nursing, Upgrading rtPCR capacity at the Biological Core Lab of the College of Nursing
  • Krishna Parsawar, RII, Triple quadrupole (LC-MS/MS) instrument for targeted metabolomics and Drug Discovery research (DMPK)
  • Jeanne Pemberton, Science, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Acquisition of a Park NX20 Atomic Force Microscope
  • Paulo Pires, College of Medicine-Tucson, Physiology, Purchase of laser speckle contrast imaging for high-resolution, real-time assessment of micro- and macro-hemodynamics
  • Jeffrey Pyun, Science, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Acquisition of a Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) for Thermal Analytical Characterization of Advanced Materials
  • Peter Reiners, Science, Geosciences, Acquisition of IR laser heating system for noble gas geochronology
  • Benjamin Renquist, Agriculture & Life Sciences, Animal & Comparative Biomedical Science, Electrophysiology and Fiber Photometry Equipment to Assess Peripheral Nervous System Activity in the Non-anesthetized Rodent
  • Gregory Rogers, College of Medicine-Tucson, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Upgrades of the Zeiss Elyra S.1 microscope workstation and post-processing workstation
  • John Paul SanGiovanni, Agriculture & Life Sciences, Nutritional Sciences, Ocular Coherence Tomography-Angiography System for Retinal Biomarkers of Age-Related Cognitive Impairment
  • Suchol Savagatrup, Engineering, Chemical & Environmental Engineering, UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer: A vital tool to measure optical properties of thin films and bulk materials for sensing and energy applications
  • Yana Zavros, College of Medicine-Tucson, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Leica ASP300 S Automated Tissue Processor for the Tissue Acquisition and Cellular/Molecular Analysis Shared Resource