Training Grant Funding Opportunities
T32 Predoctoral and/or Postdoctoral Research Training Programs
Purpose: Funds cohorts of diverse predoctoral or postdoctoral research trainees to prepare for careers in specified shortage areas. Trainees are financially supported and are expected to receive high-quality research training, mentored research experiences and additional opportunities to help advance their careers.
Budget: Varies from $100K/year to $750K/year.
Limited Submissions: Yes. 1 submission/T32 program (NIH offers multiple T32s on varied topics)
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T34 Undergraduate Research Training Programs, Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC)
Purpose: Supports undergraduate academic and research training to help ensure that a diverse and highly trained workforce is ready to assume leadership in the biomedical and behavioral research fields. UArizona has a funded MARC.
Budget: Varies from $150K to $470K/year.
Limited Submissions: Yes. 1/institution.
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R25 Research Education Activities (Undergraduates through Senior Researchers)
Purpose: Enhances training programs that prepare a diverse workforce to meet the nation’s biomedical, behavioral and clinical research needs.
Budget: Varies from $100K to $500K/year.
Limited Submissions: Yes. 1 submission/R25 program (NIH offers multiple R25s on varied topics)
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T90 Interdisciplinary Research Training and combined R90 Research Education Grant
Purpose: Supports interdisciplinary research training programs at the undergraduate, predoctoral and/or postdoctoral levels. Intended for institutions to capitalize on the infrastructure of existing multi or interdisciplinary programs. The R90 component can support trainees who do not meet the qualifications for support under NRSA (e.g., non-U.S. citizens).
Budget: Varies from $180,000 to $580,000/year for 5-year projects.
Limited Submissions: No.
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T15 Continuing Education Training Grants
Purpose: Supports continuing professional education or refresher education on new developments in the technology of the profession. Appointees can be at the graduate student, postdoc/residency, or early career level.
Budget: Ranges from $80,000 to $220,000 for a 1 to 2-year project.
Limited Submissions: No.
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D43 International Research Training Grants
Purpose: Supports training on a variety of biomedical topics for citizens from low in middle-income countries at the graduate student, or postdoc/residency level. Applying institutions may be U.S. institutions who collaborate with an institution located in a low or middle-income country (LMIC). The research training program should strengthen the research capacity of the LMIC institution. Training may take place in the U.S., in the LMIC or in both locations.
Budget: Up to $230,000/year for a 5-year project.
Limited Submissions: No.
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National Science Foundation
NSF Research Traineeship (NRT)
Purpose: Supports interdisciplinary training of STEM graduate students. Focus is on convergent research in high priority areas. Must include plan for institutional sustainability for the training program. Current priority areas include Harnessing the Data Revolution; Future of Work at the Human-Tech Frontier; Navigating the New Artic; Windows on the Universe: Multi-Messenger Astrophysics; the Quantum Leap: Leading the Next Quantum Revolution; and Rules of Life: Predicting Phenotype.
Budget: $3,000,000.
Limited Submission: Yes. Limit of 2/institution.
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Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Purpose: Supports meaningful engagement of undergraduates in research areas funded by NSF. At least half of site grant student participants must be from institutions with limited research opportunities (including community colleges). Supplements to support 1—2 students can be requested as part of a larger NSF proposal, or can be requested after you have been awarded an NSF grant.
Budget: Site grants are up to about $130K to host 8—10 students/year. Budget for supplements includes student stipends ($600/student/week), and possibly housing, meals/meal stipends, travel and lab use or workshop fees.
Limited Submissions: No.
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (Sites and Supplements)
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Scholarships in STEM (S-STEM)
Purpose: Provides scholarships of up to $15K for talented low-income undergraduates and $20K for graduate students pursuing STEM degrees.
Budget: $2,500,000 for Track 2 (single institutions; $5,000,000 for Track 3 (Inter-institutional Consortia)
Limited Submissions: Yes. Limit of 2/institution and other restrictions. Please contact Dr. Courtney Coffey if you are interested in S-STEM, and specify degree programs and level (transfer students, undergraduates, graduate students) if known:
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U.S. Department of Agriculture
AFRI Education and Workforce Development
Purpose: Several tracks offered, including Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates (REEU); Predoctoral Fellowships; and Postdoctoral Fellowships. Supports training of individuals on topics of key regional, national and global significance (e.g., agricultural technologies such as data science, AI, robotics and gene editing).
Budget: REEU awards up to $750,000 for a 5-year project. Most of the budget must be for student support, including stipends. Predoctoral Fellowships awards up to $180,000 for a 3-year project. Postdoctoral Fellowships awards up to $225,000 for a 2-year project.
Limited Submissions: No.
For more info: visit this page on
Hispanic-Serving Institutions Education Grants Program
Purpose: Supports preparing undergraduate and graduate students from underrepresented groups to prepare them for careers in food, agriculture, natural resources and human sciences in the U.S. Includes instructional, career access and leadership development support.
Budget: $250,000 for Regular; $1,000,000 for Collaboration.
Limited Submission: No limit on Regular. No more than 2 Collaboration track/institution.
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