Urban Institute: From COVID-19 Response to Equitable Recovery; A Call for Research and Action to Boost Workers’ Economic Security and Mobility

WorkRise, a research-to-action network for jobs, workers, and mobility hosted by the Urban Institute, is launching a drive to rapidly develop and share actionable evidence about what works to shore up workers’ economic security in the short-term and promote upward mobility in the medium- and longer-term. 
The initiative will: 
1. Provide up to $2 million for pilot initiatives and other research to rapidly develop rigorous evidence that can inform and drive effective action toward a labor market that boosts workers’ mobility;
2. Create a clearinghouse for innovative responses to the current labor market crisis taken by the private sector, civil society, and government;
3. Elevate promising policies and practices to key decision-makers, including philanthropy, policymakers at the local, state, and federal level, worker advocates, and business leaders. 

June 29, 2020

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