Core Facilities Pilot Project

Core Facilities Pilot Project

May 2024

  • Kazui Toshinobu, COM-T, Surgery, Genetic basis of Atrial fibrillation
  • Chiang Jing-Tzyh Alan, Medicine, Medical Imaging, Evaluation of quantitative and contrast-free MR pulse sequences for imaging breast cancers and nodal metastases
  • Hammer Michael, Bio5, Neurology, Sex Differences of Blood-Brain Barrier Dysfunction in Epilepsy
  • Rhodes Katherine, Medicine, Immunobiology, Neisseria community structure and host epithelial interaction
  • Anand Tanya, Medicine, Surgery, Metabolomic Markers in Endotheliopathy of Trauma in older versus younger trauma patients
  • Combrink Leigh, CALES, SNRE, Avian Microbiomes as Biomarkers for Wildlife and Ecosystem Health
  • Lai Tzu yin, College of Science, Psychology, Neural basis of metaphor and embodiment
  • Koshy Anita, Medicine, Neurology, Engineering a clonal Dre Reporter cell line
  • Warfel Noel, COM, CMM, Synthetic lethal screening to target chronic hypoxia
  • Sutphin George, Science, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Automated preparation of custom single-worm culture environments
  • Horton Nancy, Science, Molecular and Cellular Biology, (,
  • Funk Janet, Medicine, Medicine, Targeting estrogen receptor signaling to halt ER+ breast cancer progression in bone

February 2024

  • Daryaei Iman, Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Detection of HER2 Biomarker by Pretargeted ImmunoPET
  • Miller Julie E, Science, Neuroscience, Healthy and pathological signatures of alpha-synuclein in the zebra finch brain
  • Sawyer Travis, Optical Sciences, Optical Sciences, Multiphoton imaging combined with deep learning for classification and grading of pancreatic cancer
  • Cartmell Christopher, Medicine, Pharmacology, Development of a 1536 High-throughput Screening of a Natural Product Library to Identify Novel Ligands for Orphan GPR63 and 153
  • Goyal Ravi, College of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Changes in Hippocampus Vasculome with Aging
  • Dickinson Sally, Medicine, Pharmacology, Gene editing of mouse Pd-l1 to “rescue” a knockout model for skin cancer research
  • Morrison Helena, Nursing, Advanced Nursing Practice and Science Division, Development of photoacoustic and MRI methods to detect foam cell accumulation in the brain after ischemic stroke
  • Cusanovich Darren, Medicine, Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Generation of a conditional Glo2 knockout mouse
  • Ismail Khaled, Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, Developing a new method to analyze microglial phagocytic activity in the context of Alzheimer's disease
  • Zhou Chi, CALES, SACBS, Role of miR146a-5p in preeclampsia-impaired fetal endothelial function in obese pregnancies
  • Badyaev Alexander, Science, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Population genomic inference on demographic histories, population subdivision and migration
  • Duckworth Renee, CoS, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Identifying the epigenetic pathways linking a stress-induced maternal effect and offspring behavior
  • Ledford Julie, Medicine, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Generation of an Scgb1a1 knockout mouse
  • Sweedo Alice, Medicine, Physiology, Role of host intestinal cell estrogen-dependent expression response to microbial metabolites in menopausal risk for cardiovascular disease
  • Meredith Laura, College of Agricultural Environmental and Life Sciences, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, Using gene expression to track “soil memory” and adaptation effects of microbial community shifts in the consumption of volatile organic compounds in soil

November 2023

  • Kielar Aneta, Science, SLHS, Interaction between the BDNF genotype and treatment response to noninvasive brain stimulation in the language variant of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Blackwood Erik, College of Medicine - Phoenix, Internal Medicine, Novel Roles for IRE1 in Regulating Cardiac Fibrosis
  • Sun Jindi, College of Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, The Fabrication of Hydrogel Mold with Sub-Micro Precision
  • Zhou Chi, CALES, SACBS, Role of circulating immune cells in heat stress-induced fetal growth restriction
  • Cartmell Christopher, Medicine, Pharmacology, Development of a Microfluidic, High-Throughput Screening Platform for Drug Discovery
  • Smith Catharine, College of Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Understanding the Complex Transcriptional Roles of Lysine Deacetylases Through Next Generation Sequencing Methods
  • Woodson Jesse, CALES, School of Plant Sciences, Quantification of the level of reactive oxygen species needed to induce chloroplast retrograde signaling
  • Bhattacharya Martha, Science, Neuroscience, Detecting Mitochondrial Transfer Between Neurons and Glia In Vivo
  • Pond Kelvin, College of Medicine, Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Isolation of Bioengineered Human Organoids for Signaling Dynamics
  • Moore Wendy, The College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences, Department of Entomology, Visualizing Bacteria in the Ant-nest Beetle Paussus favieri
  • Yao Guang, Science, Mol/Cell Biology, High-Throughput Screening to Uncover Triggers of a Novel Quiescence-to-Senescence Dimmer Transition for Future Therapeutic Intervention in Cellular Aging
  • Melandri Giovanni, CALES, School of Plant Sciences, Identification of gene targets for improving rice antioxidant capacity under drought through DNA sequencing of accessions with contrasting phenotypes
  • Arnold Anne (Betsy), Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences, School of Plant Sciences, Metabolomics to detect signatures of life at Llullaillaco, a Mars analog environment
  • Singh Simar, Medicine, Department of Medicine, Macrophage Assessment for Immunoregulatory Therapeutics
  • Legan Andrew, College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences, Entomology, Whole genome and transcriptome sequencing of tarantula hawk wasps
  • Johnson Michael, Medicine, Immunobiology, Cell Free ChIP-SEQ

August 2023

  • Anand, Tanya, Medicine, Surgery, Glycocalyx Shedding in Injured Older Adults versus Younger Adults
  • Gutruf, Philipp, Engineering, BME, Conformal pinhole free coatings for advanced water barrier properties in biomedical devices
  • Charest, Pascale, Science, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Identifying the protein expression and signaling profiles associated with the distinct KRAS mutant states in lung cancer cells
  • Schwartz, Jacob, College of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology, Single-cell Transcriptome Analysis of Pre-Frontal Cortex during Abstinence and Relapse to Fentanyl Addiction
  • Galligan, James, Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Generation of an inducible Glod5 knockout mouse
  • Bartlett, Mitchell, College of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Novel, non-invasive imaging of glymphatic and lymphatic flow in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
  • Blackwood, Erik, College of Medicine - Phoenix, Internal Medicine, Roles for SGK1 in Cardiometabolic Health Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction and Associated Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  • Witte, Marlys, College of Medicine, Department of Surgery, In-vivo bioluminescent imaging of metastatic melanoma progression in mice with lymphatic dysfunction
  • Li, Hongmin, R Ken Coit College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Characterization of inhibitors against the nsP2 protease (nsP2pro) of Chikungunya virus (CHIKV)

May 2023

  • Alicja Babst-Kostecka, Agriculture and Life Sciences, Environmental Science, Linking soil and leaf metabolite profiles with plant metal tolerance and accumulation – exploring plant-microbial adaptations to heavy metal contamination at legacy mine sites in Arizona 
  • Brett Colson, College of Medicine-Tucson, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Binding kinetics of cardiac and skeletal muscle proteins   

February 2023

  • Shirin Doroudgar, College of Medicine-Phoenix, Internal Medicine, Generation of a Conditional Knockout Mouse Model for ER-Associated Protein Degradation
  • Elise Erickson, Nursing, Biobehavioral Health Sciences, Toward precision care during childbirth: genetic vulnerability to postpartum hemorrhage
  • Robert Erickson, College of Medicine-Tucson, Surgery, Experimental investigation of focused ultra-sound (FUS) treatment on alpha-synuclein immobilization in preclinical animal model
  • Giovanni Melandri, Agriculture & Life Sciences, School of Plant Sciences, Disentangling heat and drought stress tolerance in sorghum and cotton through metabolomics

November 2022

  • David Baltrus, Agriculture and Life Sciences, School of Plant Sciences, Exploring Sulphur Use in an Endohyphal Bacteria using RB-TNSeq
  • Geoffrey Gurtner, College of Medicine-Tucson,f Surgery, Identifying chromatin states and nuclear transcriptome deviations in physiologic and pathologic aged skin underlying wound healing
  • Priyanka Kushwaha, Agriculture and Life Sciences, Environmental Science, Characterizing metabolites that influence rubber and resin production in guayule
  • Wendy McCurdy, College of Medicine-Tucson, Medical Imaging, Changes in Goutallier Score and Cross-sectional area of the rotator cuff following surgical repair
  • Michael Riehle, Agriculture and Life Sciences, Entomology, Assessing neurohormone expression in the brain and ovary of the human malaria mosquito, Anopheles stephensi
  • Koenraad Van Doorslaer, Agriculture and Life Sciences, Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences, Spatial Transcriptomics of HPV16 infected 3D tissues

August 2022

  • Adam Buntzman, BIO5 Institute, Novel Spatial Immunome and Spliceome Method: Valley Fever Granuloma
  • Pascale Charest, Science, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Quantitative Proteomics to Identify the cAMP Receptor’s Interactome
  • Jing-Tzyh Chiang, College of Medicine-Tucson, Medical Imaging, Evaluation of quantitative and contrast-free MR pulse sequences for imaging breast cancers and nodal metastases
  • Ying-hui Chou, Science, Psychology, Feasibility Study for the Mild Cognitive Impairment with Accelerated Theta Burst Stimulation
  • Jared Churko, College of Medicine-Tucson, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Full-length isoform single-cell RNA-sequencing (Fliss-Seq)
  • Joao De Souza, College of Medicine-Tucson, Anesthesiology, Cell-attached gold nanoparticles to rescue photosensitivity in retinas
  • Jay Goldberg, Science, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Establishing a pangenome reference for the widespread crop pest, Manduca sexta
  • Attila Keresztes, College of Medicine-Tucson, Surgery, Investigation of glymphatic/lymphatic flow in Alzheimers mouse models using novel, non-invasive imaging modalities
  • Hongmin Li, Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Characterization of inhibitors against NSP16/10 methyltransferase of SARS-CoV-2
  • Brooke Massani, Science, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Water Jet Cutter Training for Machinists
  • Paulo Pires, College of Medicine-Tucson, Physiology, Assessment of cerebral vascular structure and blood-brain-barrier stability in a mouse model of cerebral amyloid angiopathy after gene therapy
  • Adam Printz, Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Fabrication and Characterization of Printable Photovoltaic Devices and Materials for Developing Stable and High-Efficiency Devices
  • George Sutphin, Science, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Identification of multi-stress resistant Caenorhabditis elegans mutants
  • Frans Tax, Science, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Analysis of filament formation in plant nutrient acquisition
  • Craig Weinkauf, College of Medicine-Tucson, Surgery, Evaluation of a stent-robust Arterial Spin Labelling pulse sequence

April 2022

  • Martha Bhattacharya, Science, Neuroscience, Optimizing Live Imaging of Acidic Organelles in Acute Mouse Brain Slices
  • Jared Churko, College of Medicine-Tucson, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, GATA4 Protein-Protein Binding Interactions Implicated in Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease
  • Zhiyu Dai, College of Medicine-Phoenix, Internal Medicine, Role of Endothelial SOX17 Deficiency in the Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Philipp Gutruf, Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Conformal pinhole free coatings for advanced water barrier properties in biomedical devices
  • Michael Johnson, College of Medicine-Tucson, Immunobiology, An -omics approach to determine different mechanisms bacteria use to sense their environment through metal
  • Lalitha Madhavan, College of Medicine-Tucson, Neurology, Establishing immuno EM protocols to assess cultured human patient-derived cells
  • Laurent Martin, College of Medicine-Tucson, Anesthesiology, Developing an innovative approach: 3D-modeling of microglial cells to analyze neuroinflammation
  • Travis Sawyer, James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences, Optical Sciences, Combined multiphoton imaging and labeled fluorescence for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor localization
  • Malak Tfaily, Agriculture & Life Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Unraveling the responses of soil bacterial and fungal communities to changes in resource availability in a desert ecosystem
  • Jean Wilson, College of Medicine-Tucson, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Live cell imaging of mitochondrial fission

January 2022

  • Zhiyu Dai, College of Medicine-Phoenix, Internal Medicine, Fatty Acid-binding Proteins Control Endothelial Glycolysis and Arterial Programming in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
  • Linran Fan, James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences, Optical Sciences, Procedure development and material characterization of plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition
  • James Galligan, Pharmacy, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Generation of an inducible Glo1 knockout mouse
  • Richard Simpson, Agriculture & Life Sciences, Nutritional Sciences & Wellness, Utilizing Systemic Knockout of the Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptor to Elucidate Mechanisms of Tumor Control
  • Thomas Tomasiak, Science, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Understanding trafficking of chaperone-regulated Solute Carrier Family (SLC) transporters and their variants by fluorescence microscopy
  • Yana Zavros, College of Medicine-Tucson, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Development and Standardization of a Novel Pituitary Adenoma Organoid Model for the Study and Treatment of Cushing's Disease

October 2021

  • Ying-hui Chou, Science, Psychology, Development of MRI-compatible TMS Protocols for Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment
  • Shiri Doroudgar, College of Medicine-Phoenix, Internal Medicine, Generation of a Double Transgenic Mouse Model for Cell-type—specific Inducible Endogenous Gene Activation and Repression
  • Philipp Gutruf, Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Conformal pinhole free coatings for advanced water barrier properties in biomedical devices
  • Keith Maggert, College of Medicine-Tucson, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Creation of Specialized Mouse Chromosome – MB-kSH
  • Wendy McCurdy, College of Medicine-Tucson, Medical Imaging, Effect of rotator cuff repair on Goutallier Score and cross sectional area of the rotator cuff musculature post-operatively over a one year period.
  • Rebecca Mosher, Agriculture & Life Sciences, School of Plant Sciences, Detection of 24-nt small RNAs with Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization
  • John Ryniawec, College of Medicine-Tucson, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, HypoxiSwitch: A novel reporter mouse model to understand the effects of hypoxia

July 2021

  • Andreia Chignalia, College of Medicine-Tucson, Anesthesiology, Role of the glycocalyx in mechanosome assembly in lung endothelial cells
  • Joao De Souza, College of Medicine-Tucson, Anesthesiology, Voltage-gated K+ channels coupling mechanisms: a study focused on heteromeric channels
  • Kaveh Laksari, Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Neuroimaging and artificial intelligence analysis of dual-tasking for early-stage Alzheimer's disease detection
  • George Sutphin, Science, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Impact of kynurenine pathway interventions on age-associated transcriptional response to pathogens
  • Malak Tfaily, Agrilcuture & Life Sciences, Environmental Science, Metabolomics: A Way Forward for Exploring Environmental Adaptation of Microbial Metabolic Pathways in Arid Ecosystems
  • Chi Zhou, Agriculture & Life Sciences, School of Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences, Mice Uterine-Placental Blood Flow in Normal and Obese pregnancies

April 2021

  • Samuel Campos, College of Medicine-Tucson, Immunobiology, Basic studies on HPV entry and subcellular trafficking using inhibitory peptides
  • Jared Churko, College of Medicine-Tucson, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, In vivo Pkp2 protein interactomes causing arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy
  • Mert Colpan, College of Medicine-Tucson, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Deciphering the role of CAP2 in dilated cardiomyopathy
  • Frank Gonzalez, Social & Behavioral Sciences, School of Government & Public Policy, Neural Bases of Contemporary Race and Class Hierarchy
  • Qing Hao, Engineering, Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Exploring Effective Topside Cooling of Power Electronics
  • Samantha Harris, College of Medicine-Tucson, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, A novel CRISPR SpyC2 mouse model for use of the cut and paste method in fast skeletal muscles
  • Michael Johnson, College of Medicine-Tucson, Immunobiology, A metabolomics approach to elucidate different mechanisms bacteria use to sense their environment through metal
  • Rajesh Khanna, College of Medicine-Tucson, Pharmacology, A NaV1.7 mouse lacking the CRMP2-binding domain: examining specificity of NaV1.7-CRMP2 coupling and testing if pain resolution requires endogenous opioid signaling
  • Aneta Kielar, Science, Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences, Enhancing Treatment of Language in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS).
  • Paul Langlais, College of Medicine, Medicine (Endocrinology), Elucidating the Effect of Insulin on Cytoskeletal Elements at the Plasma Membrane Using Structured Illumination Super Resolution Microscopy
  • Hongmin Li, Pharmacy, Pharmacology & Toxicology, To identify nanobodies and small molecules as therapeutics against flaviviruses and SARS-CoV-2
  • Helena Morrison, Nursing, Biobehavioral Health Sciences Division, The effect of VEGF-B to decrease post-stroke brain injury: an MRI study
  • Ritu Pandey, College of Medicine-Tucson, Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Multiplex MS analysis for proteome quantification of colorectal tumors with codon specific mutations in KRAS gene
  • Michael Plank, Science, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Development of a targeted mass spectrometry method for the calculation of protein phosphorylation stoichiometry
  • Art Riegel, College of Medicine-Tucson, Pharmacology, The role of brain microglia in drug addiction
  • Patrick Ronaldson, College of Medicine-Tucson, Pharmacology, Development of a High Throughput Screening Assay to Identify Alzheimer's Disease Therapeutics
  • Travis Sawyer, Optical Sciences, Optical Sciences, Multiphoton imaging of gastrinoma and correlation with molecular and genetic markers
  • Frans Tax, Science, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Role of Protein Filaments in Environmental Control of Root Growth
  • Lisa Viesselmann, ALVSCE, Arizona Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Validation of flow cytometry for immunophenotyping of canine lymphocytes
  • Zheshen Zhang, Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, Development of low-loss, crack-free, active silicon nitride platforms

January 2021

  • Ravi Goyal, Agriculture & Life Sciences, Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences, Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Sexually Dimorphic Programming of Obesity.
  • Renee Duckworth, Science, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, STRESS-INDUCED MATERNAL EFFECTS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALITY
  • Martha Bhattacharya, Science, Neuroscience, Plasma Membrane Proteomics for a Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) Research Course
  • Julie Miller, Science, Neuroscience, Immunohistochemical Protein Detection in the Finch Brain: Relevance to Vocal Communication
  • Anne Wertheimer, BIO5, Towards a Hydrogel Therapeutic for Diabetic Foot Wounds - a pilot

October 2020

  • Martha Bhattacharya, Science, Neuroscience, Flow Cytometry for a Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) Research Course
  • Laura Meredith, Agriculture & Life Sciences, School of Natural Resources & the Environment, Soil microbial VOC cycling elucidated by gene expression across drought-rewet dynamics
  • Daniela Zarnescu, Science, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Determining activity dependent changes at neuromuscular synapses in ALS

July 2020

  • Jessica Barnes, Science, Lunar & Planetary Laboratory, Impact Modification of Indigenous Lunar Materials
  • Joao de Souza, Science, Lunar & Planetary Laboratory, Restoring Photosensitivity in Retinas Using Gold-Nanoparticles-assisted optocapacitance
  • R. Keating Godfrey, Science, Molecular & Cellular Biology, A method for high resolution imaging method of intact brains using conventional confocal microscopy
  • Philipp Gutruf, Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Restoring Photosensitivity in Retinas Using Gold-Nanoparticles-assisted optocapacitance
  • Kaveh Laksari, Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Pilot data to determine photoacoustic imaging markers in traumatic brain injury
  • Sean Limesand, Agriculture & Life Sciences, Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences, Single Cell Transcriptome Profiling of Fetal Pancreatic Islets
  • Paulo Pires, College of Medicine-Tucson, Physiology, Pilot studies of cerebral hemodynamics and lymphatic clearance in mouse models of AD
  • Daniel Powell, College of Medicine-Tucson, Valley Fever Center for Excellence, Altering splice variants of Dectin-1 to improve fungal recognition and resistance
  • Adam Printz, Engineering, Chemical & Environmental Engineering, Using High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to Correlate Perovskite Grain Size to Device Performance and Stability Enhancement
  • Jeff Pyun, Science, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Development of Ultra-High Verdet Polymer Nanocomposites for Next Generation Optical Devices