Community Engaged Partnerships Grants

Community Engaged Partnerships Grants


  • Turner, Alexandra, College of Medicine - Tucson, Improving Access to Kidney Transplantation for Tribal Communities in Southern Arizona
  • Maltman, Alexis Nell, College of Science, Collaborating with law enforcement to support interactions with autistic individuals
  • Barnett, Melissa, School of Human Ecology-RES, Parent Villages in Tucson: Partnering with Families to Activate Connections, Social Capital & Power
  • Perez-Brena, Norma, College of Agric and Life Sci, Latinx Youth’s Daily Adjustment During Sociopolitical Uncertainty: A Youth-Centered Daily Diary Study and Research Collaborative with Media News
  • Cohen, Zachary, Psychology, Increasing Access to Mental Healthcare in Southern Arizona Communities: Developing Community Partnerships to Deliver Scalable, Evidence-Based Digital Mental Healthcare


  • Carol Brochin, College of Education, Teaching, Learning, and Sociocultural Studies, Re-envisioning the Southern Arizona Writing Project: Building Multilingual and Diverse Literacy Partnerships in the Borderlands
  • Jordan Karp, College of Medicine-Tucson, Medicine - Psychiatry, Building Bridges, Healing Minds
  • Teshia Solomon, College of Medicine-Tucson, Family and Community Medicine/Wassaja Center, Building National Partnerships in Native American Research for Competitive Applications in Comparative Effectiveness Research, Behavioral Health, and the All of Us Research Program   
  • Beth Tellman, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, School of Geography, Development & Environment, Flood Justice in the Rio Grande Valley