Who is responsible for obtaining a Data Use Agreement (DUA)?

UA must enter into a Data Use Agreement (DUA) whenever it is transmitting or receiving a Limited Data Set, a type of Protected Health Information (PHI), for research, public health activities or health care operations. 

UA Contract Offices and Principal Investigators (PIs)/Business Owners are responsible for:

1. Determining if a Limited Data Set is involved for a specific purpose (research, public health activities, health care operations), and if so;

2. Determining whether:

(a) UA is TRANSMITTING/DISCLOSING a Limited Data Set to a third party (company, sponsor, institution). 

(b) UA is RECEIVING a Limited Data Set from a third party (company, sponsor, instiuttion). 

3. Submitting a request to the Contracting Services email address contracting@email.arizona.edu when a Data Use Agreement is needed.

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