Where do I obtain a DUA?

1.    When UA is disclosing or transmitting a Limited Data Set to another institution, organization or entity, UA requires that a DUA must be signed to ensure that the appropriate provisions are in place to protect the Limited Data Set as required under the HIPAA Privacy Rule.  Contracting Services maintains a template DUA.  When UA is disclosing or transmitting a Limited Data Set, if any material change is made to the UA template form, or if another party’s version of a Data Use Agreement is going to be used, Contracting Services must review and sign-off on the terms of the agreement.  Email contracting@email.arizona.edu to request a DUA.

2.    If a UA researcher is the recipient of a Limited Data Set from a non-UA source, the UA researcher will most likely be asked to sign the other party's DUA.  In such instance, the UA researcher should consult with Contracting Services who will work to determine if it complies in material terms with UA’s DUA template. Email contracting@email.arizona.edu to request a DUA.


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